I realize I probably do have it because I feel it impacts my life so it has to be more than just shyness.
Spokane_Girl wrote:
According to this test I have SAD which I don't believe.
Your Score: 73
What the score means:
Social anxiety disorder has been divided into subtypes:
1. a generalized subtype, in which the individual experiences significant anxiety in most social situations
2. a subtype that applies to various specific phobias such as public speaking, eating in public, or urinating in a public facility or when others are waiting.
Score 0-30 SAD unlikely
If performance in a particular situation, such as public speaking is impaired, could still meet criteria for a diagnosis.
Score 30-60 SAD probable
Scores in this range are typical of persons entering treatment for the non-generalized type of SAD.
Score 60-90 SAD very probable
Scores in this range are typical of persons entering treatment for the generalized type of SAD.
Score 90 or higher SAD extremely probable
Scores in this range often are accompanied by great distress and difficulty in social functioning, and are also commonly seen in persons entering treatment for the generalized type of SAD.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.