One of the kind of, hmm, odd things about getting an AS diagnosis, to me was suddenly finding myself in a group about which it was discussed, or who themselves discussed whether they ought to have children or not... I had never imagined that I ever should belong to such a group... as it's certainly said about very few people.
I've always thought that I might get some one day, and as a kid I read a lot on childrearing, birth, pregnancy etc., kind of an obsession maybe, and I also imagined myself being a mother and played a lot with baby dolls.
But now, as a grown up, I don't long for getting kids. But don't absolutely reject the thought either.
However, I ask myself if I would be able to take well care of them, or if I would be too confused or forget too many things, or if I would forget to teach them too many NT-like "normal" things, or not do things right, be too executively dysfunctional in some aspects, become too overwhelmed or whatnot... so I don't know if I should make it a conscious choice as such. (And say that I've had my "maternity" period in my childhood.)
Another thing is, I don't long for a boyfriend / getting married and don't think it matters. So there would most likely not be a father in the first place. But also here: I might change my mind, I've not taken nun vows or such. It has just never been an interest to me. As in, you couldn't even call me "picky", because I never looked for one...
Just now I just think: fine if it happens, fine if it doesn't.
I am an aunt and enjoy that!
But just the thought of belonging to a group that maybe, maybe not ought to have kids, that's a bit odd, and a bit sad, like: another thing I wouldn't be able to... and should we then also discuss whether we ourselves should have been born or not? Probably not, maybe my logic just runs too far here?
Maybe I just end up like the kind of crazy, spinsterlike auntie... but maybe it isn't that bad??