greenturtle74’s Cartoon Guide to Asperger’s

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21 Dec 2009, 6:52 pm

Greentea wrote:
Will the book include more cartoons?

No, I think this one deserves to stand on its own, but I will continue to do the blog.

bigblock wrote:
What about finding a medical literature company to set you up with distribution or marketing help.

I am going the Lulu route. It's very straightforward - no upfront costs, they do the distribution and I do the marketing.


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22 Dec 2009, 9:07 am

Its money in the bank. I can't say how much... Probably like anything else there's a sweet spot in pricing. Too high and no one will buy. Too low and folks will think its junk.

silly people, don't even know why they buy. Its pretty funny I think.

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Tufted Titmouse
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23 Dec 2009, 8:14 am

Didn't get some of it, which is reasonable. But it got me giggling.

diagnosed aspie and professor of stuff


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24 Dec 2009, 6:15 am

Can you create more Green turtle cartoons to entertain the masses and stay sharp, while you move this project into its next phase?
Whatever subject you roll out you formula will translate nicely I think.

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24 Dec 2009, 8:32 am

I second that request.

So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.


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24 Dec 2009, 8:54 am

My goodness, I love them! Bigblock is right: There needs to be more.

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24 Dec 2009, 5:09 pm

The masses want more? OK, I'll give you more. Inspired by this thread.


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24 Dec 2009, 5:34 pm

:lol: :lol:


So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.


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24 Dec 2009, 5:39 pm

I love how in the first cartoon, the friend asks "You're a what now?" It's funny because people tend to become this and that and announce it to their friends, so the friend assumes it's some new lifestyle or conviction the other has adopted, but in our case it's not that we chose to adopt Autism - we were Aspie all the time, only discovered it recently! LOL

So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.


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25 Dec 2009, 3:57 am

Is facial recognition a common problem on WP?

The rest of the cartoon was my story too, but I have no problem with facial recognition at all.

At least If I have Aspergers I am one without this problem.

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25 Dec 2009, 8:53 am

Bigblock -

For me, it's more like I recognize the person, but can't identify them, or how I know them. There are a few people I don't have this problem with, mostly close family.


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26 Dec 2009, 11:41 am

I fear I've made a mistake in going public with this project. I worry that I'm putting myself in the position of spokesperson for the self-diagnosed in a way I'm not prepared to be.

The response here on WP has been positive, and I thank you for that. People who know me personally also enjoyed it and took me at my word. But I am getting hateful comments on my blog taking me to task for being self-diagnosed. As ignorant as these comments are, there is some truth to them. I've also read through the thread here on WP on whether a self-diagnosis is valid. What right do I really have to say I have this condition, much less to be a spokesperson for those who do?

I do believe there's a need for a fun, "pocket guide" to AS to educate and break down prejudices. I'm just not sure I'm the person to do it. My original goal was to disclose to my friends, and I've done that. Perhaps it should end there.


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27 Dec 2009, 5:23 am

what a cute way of explaining it!
i like the little bird guys ;u;

though just one thing, some neurotypicals can also be introverted so they won't feel energised around people either but maybe for a while. you might know about the introversion/extroversion thing if you have read about carl jung.


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27 Dec 2009, 5:43 am

It makes me displeased that others seek to discourage you; I found your work and explanations to be remarkable. I hope you do not let the opinions of a vocal minority dissuade you from pursuit of your goal. If being self-diagnosed is that much of an issue, you might ask for reviews from those who are diagnosed as a support of your work or see if someone would "sponsor" it as it were. And find a blog that allows you to moderate comments so that your blog is not exposed to such buffoonery. Good luck to you, no matter your decision.


My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.

For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!


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28 Dec 2009, 6:31 pm

I no longer believe what I wrote in the cartoon. I have no right to call myself an Aspie.

makuranososhi wrote:
I hope you do not let the opinions of a vocal minority dissuade you from pursuit of your goal.

It is no minority. Google "Asperger's self-diagnosed." What comes up first? Study: Most Self-Diagnosed Asperger's Patients Just as*holes. A cruel joke? Sure, but that's the perception that's out there. People see Asperger's as an excuse for social rudeness, or personality weakness, or just a desire to be part of a special group. It is the new emo, or the new ADD, or the latest catch-all for those who fail at life. Who among us would not want to be self-diagnosed?

My claim "I'm an Aspie" in absence of a doctor's note is worthless. There is nothing I can say when people challenge me. I have two choices. I can dig deep into my savings to pay for that diagnosis, or I can keep my damn mouth shut. Neither option appeals to me. It is enough of a crime to be quirky and an outcast, but it's much worse to claim it's because of a disorder without knowing for sure.

I feel more confused than ever. I have been an emotional wreck for days. I had found real peace, thinking I finally understood myself, and now that has disappeared. Maybe all I wanted was an excuse, a label that fits. Maybe I am just another as*hole.

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29 Dec 2009, 7:26 am

Pfft - don't let the azzholes get to ya - who cares if you are or arent - you're still you - you've discovered something you understand well - and you've still done a brilliant job of explaining the way aspies feel in the NT world!!

I think the project is wholly recoverable :D
Just treat the first version as a draft and give it a few tweaks (very few books are published in their original form)

Add something about stimming
Add something about repetitive behaviours and routines
Change the wording about self-diagnosis to un-personalise it
keep your fingers x-d the washing machine support group dont get hold of a copy :lol:

I'm sure theres enough folks here with a diagnosis blardy bit o paper from some useless twerp of a doctor that can endorse the book for you as being correct :roll: