I don't like any of the symptoms AS seems to have, (it seems there's about 6 million symptoms, since AS seems to be every quirk a human can have, so it seems when reading through WP with new symptoms added what I've never heard of before!
). Rather than saying, ''I want a cure for everything'', (since it causes too many arguments on WP) I'd rather just say, ''I want a cure for 3 of the symptoms.'' And with this, I'd have to be careful with what I want ''cured''. (Don't forget - this is just wishful thinking).
I think I would cure the sensory issue I have with my hearing for one thing. The sound of toddlers screaming really startles me, and I think I would be more at ease if this symptom went away. I get angry, murderous thoughts in my head when I see a toddler having a temper tantrum near me (although I would never hurt one - I just know that these thoughts are just my mind's way of trying to look calm whilst fighting off anger). I really don't like this - I'd like to tune out this awful din, then I can work better in retail without becoming emotionally bothered by toddlers screaming and also the pain in causes my ears.
Next, I think I would ''cure'' my anxiety issues. I get too anxious over the slightest thing, and it causes problems. Things as simple as phoning up for a job application causes me stress. I really don't know why all jobs can't just have an email address you just send your CV to, or just give some simple steps where you can just apply online without no difficult questions. Then job hunting would be so much easier and not so stressful. Not only that - I get anxious about other things caused by negative emotions, such as jealousy, disappointment, confusion, depression, isolation, criticism, embarrassment, fear, and anger. And these emotions are usually caused around change, people, noise, and pressure. I think self-esteem comes under this too.
And lastly, I think I would ''cure'' my obsessions. Having a crush on men is all very well, but it's gone too far, and I get so emotionally involved in someone (without them hardly knowing) that I really want to be like them, which makes me hate being myself all the more. Then when a man (who I'm not obsessed with in that way) asks me out, all I can think about is the people I'm obsessed with, which spoils the relationship. I wish I had a higher IQ and could focus on obsessions what will lead to success, like some Aspies have. A couple of Aspies on WP have gone off to work on a cure, and they know that they have the brains to do it. When I think of working on a cure, my mind goes blank. I wouldn't know where to start. Even if I developed an obsession on it, I still wouldn't know the first thing about how to go about it. A few years ago I got a special interest on cars, but I didn't seem to know much about them, even though I was obsessed.
But I think the most awkward thing about me is I hate being stuck on my own for too long, yet when I'm in company I don't know what the hell to do with them. I think I would like to have just that cured.