Sensitive to others Moods/Emotions?
millie wrote:
The Markram's research on some ASD people feeling too much rather than too little was a welcome bit of light reading for me and some others in my family. It explained so much about why I cannot stand to be around other people and why i prefer solitude. I simply cannot cope with the level of irregularity that comes about from being around others daily and face to face. I am like a sponge, and it is as if my sensory realm extends beyond my material body and merges with what is around me. It is the same response i have with any sensory stimuli......Overload.
The best solution for me is to live a fairly routined and ordered life, that is peaceful, stable, healing and respectful of self and others and founded on low sensory input, management of my SPD and a careful consideration of who and what comes into my life. (still working on the latter and fail often at it!)
The world and all the things and people in it is just too much for me.
that is fine by me. Glad i finally got a formal dx and was able to work it out instead of living in self-loathing and struggling so much with everything.
Thanks millie, your posts on this thread have been very helpful to me as this is very similar to my own experience, though no formal dx.
I often describe it (to myself!) as if i've got no skin - i'm all raw nerve endings just receiving constant stream of input from the outside and i've got to escape from it to survive and not have my head explode.
It doesn't mean I can remember names or faces, or know why people are feeling/expressing/acting that way, it doesn't mean I feel emotion myself normally very easily, but walking outside my home where i've got a contained environment is like connecting up every sense to everything and everyone out there...and there's a lot that isn't that pleasant to experience.
I wish I could switch it off as it stops me interacting as I would like to.
Anyway, you've described it better than I can. I have to battle to keep my 'safe space' at home, having too much clutter is visual & mental overload, but without very good organisation skills it's not easy and often fail & have to hide from some bit that bothers me I find even photos can bother me - i've had to take greetings cards down as the faces/eyes were upsetting me. TV can bother me for the same reason. I'd be interested to hear if you or anyone else experiences anything similar.