nick007 wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
nick007 wrote:
Poppycocteau wrote:
. . . How would ear infections result in Autism, exactly? I did have them often as a child, but they're ear infections, not brain infections. I don't understand this idea.
I assume I was born with it . . . that would make the most sense to me.
I have heard of cases where young kids are suspected of being autistic when they have undiagnosed hearing problems. Could that somehow be related

When a baby keeps getting ear infections, it effects their development and causes their brain to take different pathways.
Ear infections can cause hearing loss and that's how it happens. If the child was real young, lets say infant, it will effect their development and make their minds be wired differently.
Plus I have read it's common in autistic kids to have ear infections.
I did not know that. I thought it was cuz being hard of hearing could cause some of the autism symptoms & autism is a mental thing so physical causes have to be ruled out. It's part of the rezone why I could not get an official AS diagnoses because I have vision problems(very nearsighted & have some colorblindness). I was also told by experts that autism is something people have to be born with & it can NOT be caused by things like brain injuries so wouldn't having a cause like an ear-infection; rule out autism
I think the so-called experts are dumb A-holes
I was very hard to diagnose. Most people, when they go in to get tested for AS, it only takes them a few sessions or one. With me, it took us a couple months. My psychiatrist wrote he would say I have an ASD, mild. Then he eventually placed me in the AS category saying it was the closest match.
But at two years old, doctors were saying I had autism and my parents didn't buy it. They were aware of my hearing loss but they still said I had it. Then there was one doctor mom took me too when I was a year and a half and this was before I had tubes put in and right away he said I had autism before my mom even told him about my medical history so she just thanked him for his opinion and left. She never took me to him again.
Deaf children also share the same characteristics as autistic kids so you're right. But there are also autistic people out there who also suffer hearing loss. I have an aspie friend who has hearing loss, he was born with it. He is deaf in one hear 100% and 40% in the other ear so he wears hearing aids. He also told me he had a speech and development delay. Then I know someone in my are who runs the local ASAN group and she also has AS and is also deaf. And I have another online friend who told me she was deaf too in her early childhood and she also has AS. I think she said she also got it from ear infections.