Ichinin wrote:
Both probably.
If my files went disorganized, i'd freak out. If my house exploded, i'd just remember to what tree my clothes got relocated so i know where to find clean underwear in the morning...
My DVD & most of my mp3 collection are organised alphabetically.
My books are organized first by time period (<1850, 1850-1950 & >1950), and then (roughly) by category.
And I can totally freak out when things are not where I expect them to be, when I myself damage one of my own books, or when I loose a component of a set. For example, I totally freaked out when I lost one of
my neoballs.
Still, overall, I lean towards what I call "organized chaos". When I want to achieve something, I typically start with a fixed beginning and a fixed end goal, but the path between both is in many ways more determined by chance and random inspiration than anything else. And that is one of the prime characteristics of an INTP.