Which symptoms do you have and not have?
Speech and language pecularities: If you count a high vocabulary, then yes. If not, then no.
Overformal speech: Yes, sometimes, but it is disguised around college graduates at hair salons.
Taking everything literally: I take everything metaphorically!
Word repetition: No
Long monologues: This kind of makes people think that I'm extroverted, although I'm not.
Inappropriate remarks: Depends on what you mean by inappropriate.
Inability to take turns talking: I used to, but not anymore. I usually talk to little, or complain about people not having my interests.
Inability to listen to others: If I'm hyperfocused on something, or if I'm talking to one person, and somebody else is talking at the same time. In other words, I can't multitask.
Speaking without pitch or tone: When I'm at school, yes, but it's to hide my strong feelings.
Unable to understand figures of speech or sarcasm: Mostly sarcasm. Idioms just plain annoy me, unless they're from the 19th Century.
Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes. My peers and teachers complain about my lack of social interaction, but they either think it's due to snobbiness (peers) or anxiety (teachers). It's mostly because of my differing interests, I think.
Flat, cheerless demeanor: More like melancholy.
Loud voice: I have the exact opposite. My lunch ladies have always complained that my voice was too soft, and the teachers think I need to speak up more.
Doesn't respond to name very well: Sometimes, when I'm hyperfocusing.
Inability to pick up facial expressions: Although I'm highly visual, it's very difficult to tell apart expressions, or to make them. I can regcongize things by voice, though.
Not able to notice body language: Sometimes.
Does not pick up subtle changes in tone of voice: No. I am very good with someone's tone of voice.
Avoids eye contact when communicating: Sometimes I do, sometimes I make too much eye contact (people say that I'm staring).
Unaware of personal space: Yes...0//0
Few facial expressions: I have the average amount, but I can't voluntarily look sad or angry at times (although I usually look sad).
Unaware of unwritten rules: I'm aware of them, but I don't care to follow them, either.
Social withdrawl: Yes, I guess.
Lack of interest in other people: I'm interested, but I don't want to be popular or anything.
Eccentric personality: Yes. Even when I was young, I was referred to as "quirky".
Preoccupied with your own agenda: Sometimes, but I'm not selfish. I'm usually more hyperfocused with it instead of not caring about others' agendas.
Socially non-adapted personality: I'm not sure if "socially non-adapted" is an adjective, but no?
Urge to correct people on their speech or behavior: YES.
Limited interests: No, my interests are sort of broad but intense.
Unusual preoccupations: Yes. I'm interested in feminism, medical terms, medical ethics, ethics, psychology, philosophy (not to an extent), writing, reading, and memes (although memes are popular). My less unusual interests include anime and manga.
Need for sameness: Sometimes. I am spontaneous, but I get kind of nervous when something isn't planned out for me (such as a vacation, or a party).
Repetitive routine or rituals: No.
Engages in highly repetitive play: No.
Excellent rote memory: I have an excellent short term and long term visual memory.
Lack of empathy: No, but my empathy is unusual, and I'm a bit too empathic at times...
Single-mindedness: Yes, but I consider that a good thing. It makes me determined and steadfast.
Aloof: Yes, at times, but I'm warm underneath.
Inflexible thinking: I'm a creative thinker, and I think flexibly when problem solving, but when it comes to my convictions and anxieties, no.
Lack of imagination: That's a laugh! I have a vivid imagination, which usually keeps me up at night! (I prefer to talk about my imaginative world than real life, to be honest.)
Indifferent: I care too much.
Rigid thinking: Not when it comes to something creative, but when it comes to my ideals and convictions, yes.
Lack of make believe or imitative play: I'm in my teens, and I still have "RPG in Real Life Time" with my sister in our bedrooms.
Fear of changes: Yes.
Poor coordination: Yes. I had football yesterday, and I couldn't run backwards and sideways. I could barely keep my footing running normally!
Clumsiness: Yes! Clumsiness does seem to be genetic in our family, though. (I'm the only one with an ASD in the family, though. I'm the only one with a neurological difference, really...)
Uncoordinated motor movements: See poor coordination, and yes. I have a hard time with fine motor skills, too, and it took my until I was seven to print my name (although I knew cursive).
Hand flapping: To loosen my hands, but I rarely do it.
Head swiveling: Is that even possible?
Mirroring: I'm not sure what they mean.
Stilted response to pain: Yes, partially because I was hooked up to a myriad of wires and needles when I was born.
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures, or colors: Yes.
Easily overstimulated by noises or lights: Yes!
Most of them except a few that I either didn't think fit me or didn't understand at all. Was hard to count them all but at least 45 I think.
There were a whole cluster of them where I wrote "Sometimes (*)" because the (*) meant... sort of they all happen when I'm using language, but when not using language, I may even be the opposite. Language creates a bunch of "autistic traits" for me that aren't there (or aren't there as much) if I'm not having to deal with it.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams
I do have:
Poor communication such as:
Speech and language peculiarities
Taking everything literally
Word repetition (echolalia)
Long monologues
Inappropriate remarks
Inability to take turns talking
Inability to listen to others
Speaking without any pitch or tone
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm
Difficulty initiating conversation
Flat, cheerless demeanor
Loud voice
Doesn’t respond to name very well
Non-verbal communication problems such as:
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice
Avoid eye contact while communicating
Few facial expressions
Unaware of unwritten rules
Impaired social interaction such as:
Social withdrawal
Lack of interest in other people
Eccentric personality
Preoccupied with their own agenda
Socially non-adapted personality
Limited interests
Unusual preoccupations
Need for sameness
Repetitive routines or rituals
Engages in highly repetitive play
Excellent rote memory
Inflexible thinking
Lack of imagination
Rigid thinking
Lack of make-believe or imitative play
Fear of changes
Poor motor skills such as:
Poor coordination
Uncoordinated motor movements
Hand flapping
Head swiveling
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights
I do not have:
Poor communication such as:
Overformal speech
Non-verbal communication problems such as:
Inability to pick up facial expressions
Not able to notice body language
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!)
Impaired social interaction such as:
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior
Lack of empathy
Formal speech: Yes, - sometimes, - at moments.
Taking everything literally: Yes, often.
Word repetition (echolalia): Yes, a litte, when I am alone.
Long monologues: Yes
Inappropriate remarks: Yes, but not frightfully.
Inability to take turns talking: Yes, saometimes.
Inability to listen to others: Yes, often.
Speaking without any pitch or tone: No
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: No.
Difficulty initiating conversation: No
Flat, cheerless demeanor: No
Loud voice: Yes. Once in a while.
Doesn’t respond to name very well: No
Inability to pick up facial expressions:Sometimes
Not able to notice body language: Sometimes
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: Sometimes
Avoid eye contact while communicating: Yes, some of the time.
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): Yes, can happen.
Few facial expressions: No
Unaware of unwritten rules: Yes
Social withdrawal: Yes
Lack of interest in other people: No
Eccentric personality: Yes
Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes, but so is everyone else, I have discovered.
Socially non-adapted personality: No, - apart from a few points.
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes
Limited interests: In between.
Unusual preoccupations: Yes
Need for sameness: A little
Repetitive routines or rituals: A few.
Engages in highly repetitive play: No
Excellent rote memory: Yes
Lack of empathy: No.
Single-mindedness: Sometimes, - especially when stressed.
Aloof: No.
Inflexible thinking: No
Lack of imagination: No
Indifferent: No
Rigid thinking: I don´t think so, - but that is for others to judge.
Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No
Fear of changes: Yes
Poor coordination: Very handy, but gross motor skills can be less elegant.
Clumsiness: Yes, - eh, sometimes.
Uncoordinated motor movements: See above.
Hand flapping: When VERY impatient (like when people won´t end their phonecall)
Head swiveling: No
Mirroring: ?
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: No
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes
Special Interest: Beethoven
Speech and language peculiarities: Not as far as I am aware unless playing with words counts. I can sometimes do things like call parsnips..spasnips (not meant as an insult toward anyone or anything) or bananas as bad nannies and so on.
Overformal speech: Sometimes
Taking everything literally: Not everything but now and then I can take things literally, yes.
Word repetition (echolalia): No
Long monologues: Sometimes
Inappropriate remarks: Sometimes if I forget that people are sensitive about things or make an observation and don't realise my observation is offensive.
Inability to take turns talking: Yes
Inability to listen to others: Sometimes
Speaking without any pitch or tone: No
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: No
Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes
Flat, cheerless demeanor: Oftentimes
Loud voice: Yes
Doesn’t respond to name very well: No
Inability to pick up facial expressions: Sometimes
Not able to notice body language: Sometimes
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: No, I am reasonably ok with tone of voice.
Avoid eye contact while communicating: Yes
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): No
Few facial expressions: No
Unaware of unwritten rules: Yes
Social withdrawal: Oftentimes
Lack of interest in other people: Yes, much of the time but not all of it. Occasionally someone sparks my interest.
Eccentric personality: Yes, very much so.
Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes
Socially non-adapted personality: I don't know what this is.
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes
Limited interests: Yes and no...I am only interested in what I am interested in at the time but my interests can change or they can stay the same for years with one or two taking the main lead (main focus).
Unusual preoccupations: Not that I am aware of.
Need for sameness: In certain ways, yes.
Repetitive routines or rituals: Routines yes.
Engages in highly repetitive play: Yes
Excellent rote memory: With things that I am interested in.
Lack of empathy: Sometimes. More difficulty in showing it.
Single-mindedness: Yes
Aloof: Yes
Inflexible thinking: A little
Lack of imagination: No
Indifferent: Indifferent about what? In what way?
Rigid thinking: A little
Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No
Fear of changes: In ways that affect my sense of sameness yes, in ways that do not I can enjoy change.
Poor coordination: As a child
Clumsiness: Yes
Uncoordinated motor movements: As a child, occasionally now.
Hand flapping: No
Head swiveling: No
Mirroring: No
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: Depends on the type of pain.
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes
Poor communication such as:
Speech and language peculiarities - I sound nervous when speaking to most outsiders, if that counts.
Overformal speech - No, I speak too common and don't sound my T's, which makes me speak quite unclearly.
Taking everything literally - No, I normally pick up on most forms of humour.
Word repetition (echolalia) - I don't think so.
Long monologues - I can rant on and on, if that counts.
Inappropriate remarks - Not generally. I know more or less what is socially appropriate and what isn't, apart from the odd mistake here and there, which happens to NTs as well.
Inability to take turns talking - I generally don't interrupt mid-sentence. My mind just sometimes goes blank during mid-conversation, which fizzles out the conversation quick.
Inability to listen to others - I am a better listener than a speaker.
Speaking without any pitch or tone - I can communicate with tone when around people I'm very comfortable with, but others I can lack tone due to shyness and nerves, which gets filtered out by others. This makes me cruel back into my shell during group conversations, because of fear of not being heard.
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm - I can be sarcastic myself so I'm not that bad at recognising sarcasm in others.
Difficulty initiating conversation - sometimes, depending on who I'm with. I'm better with one-to-one conversations.
Flat, cheerless demeanor - again, depending on who I'm with.
Loud voice - I do hate whispering, but I don't think I have a loud voice.
Doesn’t respond to name very well - no.
Non-verbal communication problems such as:
Inability to pick up facial expressions - I generally can pick up on facial expressions.
Not able to notice body language - I generally can pick up on body language.
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice - I generally can pick up on subtle changes of someone's tone of voice.
Avoid eye contact while communicating - I naturally give eye contact to people if the contact has purpose. As for passing strangers in public, I find eye contact awkwardly difficult.
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!) - no, I have issues with people invading MY personal space (only strangers).
Few facial expressions - No.
Unaware of unwritten rules - Depends on what unwritten rules and also what mood I'm in.
Impaired social interaction such as:
Social withdrawal - Often, caused by shyness.
Lack of interest in other people - I like social interaction so I do have interest in others.
Eccentric personality - Sometimes.
Preoccupied with their own agenda - I don't understand what this means.
Socially non-adapted personality - Again, depends on what company and environment I'm in.
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior - Not much, but I find a lot of people do that to each other.
Limited interests - Sort of.
Unusual preoccupations - Yes.
Need for sameness - Yes, change makes me distressed/anxious.
Repetitive routines or rituals - Same as above.
Engages in highly repetitive play - I don't play.
Excellent rote memory - My memory is average.
Lack of empathy - I was wondering when this stupid bloody crap was going to come. I don't see this as a symptom of Autism.
Single-mindedness - I don't know.
Aloof - I can become aloof if I get too many thoughts of depression, anxiety, stress and isolation all at once.
Inflexible thinking - I do have a tendency to get something in my head and become obsessively bothered by it.
Lack of imagination - No.
Indifferent - I worry too much of other people's thoughts and feelings.
Rigid thinking - Usually.
Lack of make-believe or imitative play - I had a lot of imagination as a child, and could engage in imaginative play with or without other children.
Fear of changes - Yes.
Poor motor skills such as:
Poor coordination - I think I'm OK with coordination.
Clumsiness - I'm not too clumsy.
Uncoordinated motor movements - No.
Hand flapping - I don't do these sorts of stims and never have done.
Head swiveling - No.
Mirroring - I do compare myself with other people, if that's what it means.
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain - I have normal responses to pain.
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations - I have sensory with noise.
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights - I get overwhelmed with too many people or feeling compelled to interact with strangers.
It seems most of these listed here are what I don't have, yet I still have Asperger's.
Poor communication such as:
Speech and language peculiarities No
Overformal speech Yes
Taking everything literally No
Word repetition (echolalia) No
Long monologues Yes
Inappropriate remarks Yes
Inability to take turns talking No
Inability to listen to others No
Speaking without any pitch or tone No
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm No
Difficulty initiating conversation Yes
Flat, cheerless demeanor Don't know
Loud voice Yes
Doesn’t respond to name very well No
Non-verbal communication problems such as:
Inability to pick up facial expressions Not sure
Not able to notice body language Not sure
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice Not sure
Avoid eye contact while communicating Sometimes
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!) Sometimes
Few facial expressions No
Unaware of unwritten rules No
Impaired social interaction such as:
Social withdrawal Yes
Lack of interest in other people Yes
Eccentric personality Yes
Preoccupied with their own agenda Yes
Socially non-adapted personality Yes
Urge to correct people in their speech or behaviour Yes
Limited interests Yes
Unusual preoccupations Yes
Need for sameness Yes
Repetitive routines or rituals Yes
Engages in highly repetitive play Yes
Excellent rote memory No
Lack of empathy Yes
Single-mindedness Yes
Aloof Yes
Inflexible thinking Yes
Lack of imagination No
Indifferent No
Rigid thinking Yes
Lack of make-believe or imitative play No
Fear of changes Yes
Poor motor skills such as:
Poor coordination Yes
Clumsiness Yes
Uncoordinated motor movements Yes
Hand flapping No
Head swivelling No
Mirroring Don't know
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain Yes
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations Yes
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights Yes
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Joined: 8 Jul 2009
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Posts: 5,001
Location: My own little world
Speech and language peculiarities: Minimal
Overformal speech: Yes, somewhat
Taking everything literally: Sometimes
Word repetition (echolalia): No, maybe delayed as a kid, would recite stories read to me verbatim.
Long monologues: Yes
Inappropriate remarks: Yes, sometimes
Inability to take turns talking: Yes
Inability to listen to others: Sometimes
Speaking without any pitch or tone: No
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: Not usually, occasionally
Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes, sometimes
Flat, cheerless demeanor: No
Loud voice: Yes
Doesn’t respond to name very well: No, a bit as a kid
Inability to pick up facial expressions: Sometimes or misinterpret them sometimes
Not able to notice body language: Sometimes or misinterpret
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: No, but misinterpret them sometimes, like thinking my mum is annoyed with me when her voice changes but sometimes she explains she's just sad or tired ect.
Avoid eye contact while communicating: Yes,when I'm not trying to make eye-contact.
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): Very occasionally, more as a kid.
Few facial expressions: No
Unaware of unwritten rules: Sometimes
Social withdrawal: Yes, to a certain extent.
Lack of interest in other people: No
Eccentric personality: ? don't know
Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes
Socially non-adapted personality: don't know what this means
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes
Limited interests: Yes
Unusual preoccupations: No
Need for sameness:Yes
Repetitive routines or rituals: Yes
Engages in highly repetitive play: I did as a kid.
Excellent rote memory: Good but not excellent.
Lack of empathy: Sometimes accused of this, don't see myself that way.
Single-mindedness: Sometimes, maybe often.
Aloof: I don't think so.
Inflexible thinking: Yes
Lack of imagination: No but a repetitive, odd imagination maybe.
Indifferent: No
Rigid thinking: Yes
Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No
Fear of changes: Yes
Poor coordination: Yes
Clumsiness: Yes
Uncoordinated motor movements: Yes
Hand flapping: I did as a kid.
Head swiveling: No
Mirroring: No
Stilted Doesn't have a strong response to pain: No
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes
Speech and language peculiarities: No
Overformal speech: Yes
Taking everything literally: Sometimes
Word repetition (echolalia): No, but inside my head yes.
Long monologues: Yes3
Inappropriate remarks: No
Inability to take turns talking: Yes
Inability to listen to others: Yes
Speaking without any pitch or tone: Sometimes
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: Sometimes
Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes
Flat, cheerless demeanor: It's all or none with me. So half of the time yes.
Loud voice: Rarely.
Doesn’t respond to name very well: No
Inability to pick up facial expressions: Sometimes.
Not able to notice body language: I'm unsure how much I miss.
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: Yes, probably. Again, I'm not sure how much I miss because I miss it.
Avoid eye contact while communicating: Yes
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): No
Few facial expressions: No
Unaware of unwritten rules: Sometimes
Social withdrawal: Yes
Lack of interest in other people: Yes
Eccentric personality: Yes
Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes
Socially non-adapted personality: Yes
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes
Limited interests: Yes
Unusual preoccupations: Not really
Need for sameness: Sometimes
Repetitive routines or rituals: Sometimes
Engages in highly repetitive play: N/A
Excellent rote memory: No
Lack of empathy: Yes
Single-mindedness: Usually
Aloof: Yes23
Inflexible thinking: Yes
Lack of imagination: Yes
Indifferent: No
Rigid thinking: Yes
Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No
Fear of changes: Yes
Poor coordination: Yes
Clumsiness: Yes
Uncoordinated motor movements: A little
Hand flapping: No
Head swiveling: Yes
Mirroring: No
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: Yes
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: I don't know, I think it causes me to dissociate. Which I guess is a response to over stimulation / distress.
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