websister wrote:
I've read a few of Temple's books and I did like what she had to say in them. I've seen her in interviews and I don't think that she is full of herself or narcissistic, she just is. I even wonder if she had much to do with what is written on the webiste or if someone else is in charge of that for her.
She is accomplished and given how much she has had to overcome in her life, I think it is OK that she is recognized and acclaimed for what she has done and also for being an autism advocate.
She really is a success story for the time she grew up in.
Her parents could have tossed her ass into a state hospital, and no one would have said boo. She was non verbal and not an easy kid.
For as hard as Temple's parents worked with her, she busted her hump too. For a woman getting a PhD back then was fairly unusual.
If Temple was an NT, it would still be a big story. Have that kind of success, in a male dominated field is still very cool.
Anyway...no hate here. She worked for all her rewards.