Corydaman93 wrote:
So this Adam person kept coming in and out of your life?
Pretty much.
His locker was only three down from mine in junior high. Flashback to November 5, 1992, that afternoon during lunch at school I was sitting by myself in the bleachers in the gym (we were all inside due to bad weather outside). He was two rows up and two seats to my left. He called out my name and I turned around he motioned me to come sit next to him. I don't remember the conversation that followed, but we had a lot in common. He was NT, but kind of an outcast. His family life was very rough and he was always fighting with his step dad. He lived in the southfield townhouses which was my hometowns section 8 housing. During the intervening months I got to know him and the people he hung out with who all lived there in the townhouses.
Ironically, despite the rough nature of where he lived, I never got bullied by any of the townhouse kids, they all viewed me as more of a curiosity than anything else. I would ride my bike over there on the weekends to hang out.
Move forward to March 15, 1993, he decides he no longer wants to be my friend, I get shooed away from the table he was sitting at in the cafeteria during lunch.
May 3, 1993 - Now he's my friend again and the previous routine is back on. This goes on until December 1993. We kind of drifted apart and didn't really reconnect until the middle of 9th grade when were I had him in an english class.
September 2, 1997 - It's my senior year of high school and he's in my first hour class and we reconnect. I have internet and he dosen't. He came over one night and discovered chat rooms and pretty much didn't leave for the next six months. We're friends again, But I doubt he was using me as a means to and end as we did lots of other things beside internet. He introduces me to marijuana, but I never really took it up since I have a high tolerance for such things, he on the other hand couldn't get enough of the stuff. By 2001 we drifted apart again. I was going to college and he was working 40 miles away. The last time I talked with him was in July 2002.
Last winter just out of curiosity I looked up his name online and from I found it appears he's alive and doing well
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...