kfisherx wrote:
Much respect for your point of view... Questions RE the services/supports that you reference and are also concerned about. Where do these come from? Who funds these? To what end?
The state funds them, or should. Unfortunately, on both the state and Federal level in the US, the thought of appropriate taxation is so abhorrent to many that funding for necessary programs is whittled away instead. The entire system is flawed, but the problem is not with the people who need help.
Molecular_Biologist wrote:
If someone is so disabled by a genetic condition that they depend on the charity of others, then it is incredibly selfish and IMO evil to inflict that kind of dependency on someone else by having children with the same genetic defect. Both the parent and the child are at the mercy of an unsustainable and collapsing welfare state that is unlikely to be in place over the course of the next few decades.
"Evil" is a senselessly emotive argument. It's a good way to polarize a discussion, but semantically meaningless. Everyone goes for the moral condemnation to buttress flawed arguments, you know?
The state is not unsustainable because of welfare, but because of a gross lack of oversight and regulation in the financial markets. The fact that the cost of living continues to increase rapidly while income, minimum wage, and benefits are all kept at a fairly restricted level actually harms the economy, since people are getting less and less money
relative to inflation to stimulate that economy. The end result is the contraction and eventual collapse of the middle class. Throw in a complete unwillingness to tax people who make more money than anyone will ever need in a hundred lifetimes while those same people hoard more and more of the wealth, and you have a definite recipe for economic collapse. And that's simply ignoring the other problems that are becoming more urgent (and are also largely ignored).
People who are not able to support themselves are not even the least of our problems. They're not even on the radar.