DandelionFireworks wrote:
California's not all bad. I guess it's a matter of taste. They have a Christian burger chain called In N Out here, they're everywhere in Cali but none of the other states (well, some of the other states, but not many!), so be sure to check them out. They understand how to modify orders, which is good if you have sensory issues that keep you from eating a standard-issue hamburger, so I guess they're better than McDonald's. LA has a lot of cars, from what I've heard, so probably a lot of traffic, but I've yet to go there myself. San Francisco is impressive, so now you'll be nearby you should visit; I've been there a couple of times. Just beware of the weather, which makes no sense. Oh, and visit Monterey!! !
in and out? aint sounding much cristian there
followthereaper until its time to make a turn,
followthereaper until point of no return-children of bodom-follow the reaper