Nightcry wrote:
I've thought people were watching me through hidden cameras or some such thing.
I even thought at one point that it may have been possible for them to place a movment tracker in my watch when it had the battery replaced.
Or that maybe they could place a chip in your brain that could let them see through your eyes.
It's weird and irrational but seems right in a twisted sort of way...
Maybe it's just the Aspie way of looking at all possibilitys.
Or maybe it's just paranoia... One of the two.
Yes, I definitely have delusional and paranoid ideas, similar to those quoted above. Once, when I had major surgery, I was convinced that the surgeon had implanted a micro chip in my body so that they could track me somehow. Often, I feel that my neighbors are observing me, and gathering info. When they have enough, they'll strike... Of course it doesn't help that once I was absolutely right about my neighbors. They had been eavesdropping on my calls to the crisis hotline, and one night I realized how thin the walls were, because I realized that they were repeating things that I had said, and mocking me. While I'm aware that some of my fears are far fetched, who's to say for sure which are valid and which aren't?
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner