Well, a lot of us get to feeling so isolated among the people around us that it comes to seem that... well, this has been said before. It's the feeling that everyone is in on a joke but you. Everyone, NTs, Aspies, whoever, knows how bad it feels when you realize, when you go from having gone on for years maybe thinking you were laughing with people who turn around and laugh at you when you leave the room. Most of us have had that happen while we were in the room. Add to that all the people who seem to be angry at you for just being who you are, and finally the recognition that you would have to put on an act, pretending to be someone completely different, before you could be found acceptable, much less liked, and the point finally arrives.
It becomes easy, then, to settle into the place that seems to have made itself for you without your leave or awareness, and that place is the marble outside the circle, the square peg, the black sheep, the thing that is outside. And if you are the one thing outside, everyone else is inside. And why is that? If you are then classified as something fundamentally other than they are, Aspie, and that means that everyone who has never accepted you, who has laughed at you, or even been angry at you because of the traits associated with AS is classified as NT, and then you get a thread like this.
But perhaps more a fair way to say it is, What do you hate the most about the mean and unaccepting people around you?
But that's not as catchy.
"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.
The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.
There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.