High functioning in the 80's is very different from what it is now. I can't recall if in the film they said he was high functioning. I think they did.
He was based on a few autistic people and Kim Peek who isn't autistic at all but had to be taken care of by his father until he died.
nostromo wrote:
He's verbal, and can do things like dress himself, has normal motor skills, can express certain emotions like fear appropriately, comprehends cause and effect of abstract things (which is why he wants to fly Quantas), so in my mind that makes him definately High Functioning.
Rigid routines, meltdowns (or poor emotional regulation), can't carry a conversation, needs to be cared for, doesn't know how to interact properly in society.
That doesn't sound very high functioning by todays standards. These days he would be LF/MF.
The film was made when not a whole lot was known about autism so he doesn't portray an autistic person very well.
His exceptional memory was just a bit of Kim Peek.