Sharkbait wrote:
Ichinin wrote:
From what i've read, it is rare in Asperger cases and gets more common once you cross over to HFA then more down into LFA.
Aspies have more tolerance to frustration, understands and "gets" more of society than Auties.
To add a contrarian data point: I regard myself as quite high-functioning, and I get meltdowns. Until my challenges last year, it had been 10 to 12 years since my last meltdown. Prior to that, about one per year after college (excepting the years where my mom and dad passed) and about ... hm... maybe 3-5 per year while in college, and perhaps... a dozen all told during high school. Prior to that all bets are off as to counts, frequency & duration. I can recall five meltdowns in adolescence, but suspect many, many more. The five were just the severe ones.
As you noted, Ichinin, I attribute my long no-meltdown streak as an adult to being able to understand society and therefore stop or reject contradictory thought-loops before they become a problem. However irritation or annoyance with people have made me remove myself from the room countless times. The "experience" part of the equation; I can often see the annoyance-type coming.
I have really high functioning AS too. From when I was a toddler to when I was about 10 or 11, I had meltdowns everyday. They have very gradually gotten less and less frequent and my last full meltdown was about 6 months ago. I would screem, cry, yell, and refuse to move and they only happen at home or in the car with only my family present.
Also, is there a difference between a shutdown, a panic attack, and a sensory overload?