Whenever someone suggests that all people with autism or Asperger's Syndrome are math whizzes, I want to strangle them and then light them on fire.
My life would have been so much easier if I was good at math. Perhaps I wouldn't have been brainwashed into believing that I could never be a vet because so much math was involved and should focus on being a vet tech or a dog trainer or something else. Basicaly I lost what little modivation I had in school and my grades droped from a B averege to an F averege...and I didn't care. I was always being told I needed to apply myself to my schoolwork, but since I aparently couldn't be a vet, I saw no point in school work. I had no idea how to "apply myself" to begin with; and to this day I am mystified by what people are actualy doing when they say they are "studdying". Eventualy I woke up and realised I am in charge of my own future. I also remember being brainwashed into believing that math was hard. I personaly find basic arethimitic harder than algebra.
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.