tomboy4good wrote:
I really wish I could afford to live away from all the noise. I can also hear many of these sounds over my own music that I'd like to play without the background noises. It sucks. I tried to get occupational therapy but was told I am too old. so how does one cope with all this stuff? I have noise cancelling headphones, but they are too uncomfortable to wear for long periods.
the noise cancel headphones I cannot stand as well, but I have had the audicien (shop that sells hearing apparatus for the elderly etc) make custom fitted silicone "sleeves", ear plugs.
I can use them with my IEM's and mp3 player to create something to help suppress anxiety from background noise.
I tried last year to listen to pink noise (you can find 20 min. audio file online), but it was too much at that moment.
For now I have very rich, filling, orchestral music that I play and it helps my nerves relax.
The silicone is comfortable for my ears. I had the hard plastic custom fit ones before, but those caused irritation.
My memory:
I do "clearscreen" all the time. I need all my memory to execute 1 task and when I get interrupted I loose everything.
I try to repeat things I must not forget to myself over and over again and it takes alot of effort to recall those.
I can recall all the phone numbers from the little note we had in the house when I was 6.
I never called any of those, I just had looked at the notebook I guess and then 30 years later when somebody needs a number, I just produce it. It is not a guess. I know my numbers.
I have no clue where the pen is I am writing with or why I am standing in the kitchen.
Verbal instructions do not stick. I make notes and notes and more notes.
I forget to look at the notes.