OK Blackcat,
Take my word for it!
1. I am a HORRIBLE liar, and don't want to lie.
2. I tend to be opinionated, and will say things as I see them.
SO, if I felt bad about you, I would say so or shutup. Heck, my family and employers can tell you that!
First, as to my mentioning your name. If I saw it elsewhere, I wouldn't have used it here. If you gave your last name, I would tell you you should avoid it. Anyway, I changed my post, and I sincerely appologize!
As for the too quiet/loud bit. I do that ALSO. It annoys ME too, when I realize it. 8-( Turns out, it is an autistic symptom. Oh well, that isn't that bad. Try to moderate your voice better. I certainly know it isn't THAT easy, but just try.
As for the big words? HECK, maybe you could casually explain them. I dumbed things down for so long that I am happily surprised when one pops out. I don't try to dumb things down so much now. If people didn't know the word, that was THEIR problem. BTW that IS an AS symptom!
As for the accent, I don't know what kind of accent you have, but that is probably their problem also. Some just don't hear accents well.
Try to say the words faster, but clearer, with more space. The long words might be because of your accent. MOST accents "stretch words". As for the FAST part? A LOT of girls just speak fast. I have NO idea why! Just try to leave a little space between the words.
As for the stuttering? I have stuttered! Luckily, it has been few and far between, and I usually manage to control it, or pick another word. It is apparantly usually just a disconnect between auditory feedback and forming the words. There is actually a device that blocks out feedback, and STOPS stuttering. MAYBE if you get a clear picture of what you want to say, and ignore the feedback, you can mitigate the problem. I know, easier said than done. Still, supposedly 5% of all kids have stuttered at some time, the average IQ is over 14 points higher, and 1 in every 3 or 4 stutterers is female. You have NOTHING to worry about. BTW, check out:
BTW listen to a call in talkshow on radio sometime. Some callers try to listen to the radio, and they often start to stutter or hem/haw! WHY? Because the 10 second delay used to censor the broadcast trips them up. That is probably YOUR problem, but you get the feedback more frequently and quicker, so it is more obvious.
As for the cough syrup? I once took "cough suppressant"! I felt like STRANGLING the doctor! WHY? Because it suppressed my ABILITY, but not need to cough. I felt like a cat trying to cough up a fur ball, but unable to! I NEVER took the stuff again.
BTW you sound like a textbook case of AS. That is nothing to be ashamed of! So you are more sensitive, more intelligent, and have some funny quirks. BIG DEAL!(OK, BE PROUD/HAPPY! I just mean there is nothing for you to worry about, and it is dumb for others to tease you about it) The only real problem I see is the social one and I used to apparantly have a higher sense of morality and honor. I don't know if that last one was due to the AS though some things, and people here, imply it. I could NEVER be a lawyer, for example. GRANTED, the AS could be a bit of a liability, but I would choke on it even if I was the BEST! BTW I STILL do some decent things few do, etc.... I just can tolerate some things I couldn't before.