chaines321 wrote:
Everyones bullied, usually verbally so of course everyone has those memories.
I don't think I was bullied. If I was I didn't notice it.
I was a bit odd as a kid, a boy was disrupting class and it annoyed me that the teacher wouldnt let me progress with this incredibly easy work because this other above average kid was too bored so thought to disrupt us instead. So I started crying out of frustration and picked up my chair and threw it at him.
He was the school bully. He got in trouble instead of me...
In my first year of high school a boy was laughing behind me really close to me on purpose and it was annoying so I turned around and punched his nose. Then he started whining I had broken it and I asked him if he was ok, had a look, then told him he was fine and went back to work.
I am very small and cute so most guys wouldn't have picked a fight with me anyway, and because of those incidences maybe they thought I was too unpredictable.
Girls would use hints and I would be confused if a girl was suddenly calling me a b***h or spreading rumours. But it must have annoyed them when I would ask them across the room of a full class why they started this and that rumour about me. And they would get angry but fall silent.
If they hinted things to me I just wouldn't have noticed.
And when people imply they want a physical fight I get kind of excited, so when a girl who didn't know me said 'If you mess with my friends you'll have to go through me first, and you won't be pretty by the end of it' and I started smiling and worse yet, trying to hide the smile, I think the reason her face fell was because she wasn't sure if I was some crazed street fighter. XD
I've just never had a good sense of danger and am an adrenaline junkie, and am almost immune to bullying. So it protects me to a degree. I guess I'm lucky. My aspie traits have safe guarded me in that regard.
I'm sorry for all who have been bullied though.
I was also oblivious to bullying in school and when I've spoken to people in my schools who have revealed what they went through I feel very awful for having missed it. I'm not sure how bullies manage to do so much damage, in front of so many people and no one acts, and worse yet, some people (like me) just don't even notice.
I know I would have run after bullies or confronted them on the spot if I'd seen them as I did to younger kids I saw being harassed and I would befriend those who were bullied the same as everyone else, as I generally like everyone.
AQ: 34
AS: 136/200
NT: 55/200
Alexthymia: 126/185
Suspected 'Pure O' OCD. (OCI: 64 or 11.6)
And wonderfully facially blind. XD