Aspie males offensively generalizing about women!! !

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23 Jan 2007, 6:41 am

What the heck started this garbage ANYWAY? EVERY group is bound to have stupid people in it. And frankly, it seems, nobody understands me that well on some subjects like this, so why should they think they understand any group 100%?

I have to tell you.... When I was a kid, I had a whole bunch of ideas. I think they were actually developed through observation, but society made the SAME observations. They had to do with the way males and females think. PLEASE reallize, I used those terms with BOTH sexes. HECK, ask SOPHIST! SHE knows! The two ARE different. Again, not better, not worse, and NEITHER ever hit its peak, so I am not saying anything that should upset you. BTW my ideas came from an early age. A lot of BABIES act differently!

This would be a boring world if everyone was the same. And I wish we could all get along. I don't even want to marry a woman that thinks exactly like I do. I also wouldn't care if she was smarter than I am. Some women think all men want to marry dumb women. I could never live with a dumb woman. I'm sure a lot of women here couldn't live with a dumb man.

I wish we could get back on track, and just talk about GENERAL things! I liked it better when those that talked like females(Word choice, reference, subject, etc...) DIDN'T CARE, and the others could be detected only by looking at the profile.



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23 Jan 2007, 7:08 am

I am going to only say this once as Everyone seems to be under the delusion that everything is
( AS ) related, its your personality type that is doing it not the ( AS ) It is an umbrella thing, many problems under 1 roof, I am starting to put together where all these words come from that describe us...

Bet some will blow steam at me but the only thing to really do with As is the Neurological pathways been different, to been a (I) type, yes some got (E)s but maybe they just answered wrong...

They are looking at you as Damaged Extroverted people... If you like been alone rather than socializing you are an (I) Feel more energized when alone... Extroverted people charge the other way round...

Now this is the hard part are most really meant to be here or they got despression... as the same thing will happen your first letter will change if you feel more energized socializing...

I am sure they is many more... and I can't really be bothered to explain the amount of information I have locked up inside.. I would be here for about a week to get everything out right now...

Last edited by logitechdog on 23 Jan 2007, 7:14 am, edited 2 times in total.


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23 Jan 2007, 7:08 am

Tim_Tex wrote:
I try not to "generalize" per se, ...Tim

But of course, it's a necessity (if we strove to define every aspect of our statements, we'd still be working on our very first sentence!) and in gender, there is some justification for generalisation: The "extreme male brain" theory of autism looks like a workable proposition (as is the equivalent "over systematising..." theory, which amounts tothe same thing, but repacaged in order to sell more books...) and there is evidence for it's veracity.

For example, that hoo haa a while back about women being no good at science (not true; Candyce Pert, Rosalind Franklin, the first Mrs. Einstein {and if you want to see a Neanderthal facial structure in a "modern human" check out her photographs!} etc. were all terrific...and also quite evidently autie!) devolved into the usual irrational emotion driven drivel, wherein news media sought out "great" women scientists/engineers etc. and found somewho were considered successful, not because they'd invented something worthwhile, but rather because they'd become directors or ran their own company...

Generalising then, it's fair to say very few women are any good at science, not because of their facility at maths (some pointed out that school girls are better than boys at maths, on average...but failed to realise that, when it comes to pushing the enveloppe, "average" doesn't cut it! I turns out that males have a flatter curve, i.e., while the average may be lower, the extremes, at both ends are thicker {oops!} and so produce both more idiots and geniuses. What wouldthe curve for maths or IQ be like for auties I wonder? How come nobody does these studies?) but arguably because they are not autistic enough.

This is not a criticism, as there is room for many types of interaction (think child rearing, or keeping families together) and the saddest aspect of such analyses is that most establishment males are also low systematising (which explains much of what's wrong with the world; the same sense of self importance and rightness that women generally assume, but stripped of any nurturing instinct, and supercharged with testosterone). This also applies to most autism "experts" who are over socialising types who seek PhDs as a measure of status, and who assume that their "normality" must apply to all, as I've explained here: ... 0100230050

According to S.B-C, who promotes these theories (and most of the other "cute" inventions which are supposed to prove our deficiencies) having a high EQ (supposedly meaning High Empathy, but "empathy", though it evokes warm feelings in most of the populace, in fact only refers to the ability to be able to perceive the emotional state of others, and can be used for good or ill; most con men, be it snake oil salesmen, senior executives, politicians, or autism experts, are mostly high EQs, and are primarily motivated by self promotion) is more desirable, but he apparently has failed to notice that high EQs are no more "normal" than high SQs (though our divergence from "normal" is his argument for our being disordered!). As for gender, the curves overlap, and it's possible for women to be rational and analytic and reasonable...that it doesn't happen very often is just a quirk of mathematics.

Had more to say, but it's snowing (the first this year) so I'm going out to play, like the silly little 52 year old boy I am!

How many men does it take to clean a toilet?


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23 Jan 2007, 7:22 am

Takes no men to clean a toilet because their will all leave it ;)


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23 Jan 2007, 10:14 am

Well, Melantha, you certainly hit a nerve with this topic ! ! All these boys rushing to explain themselves. As an older male, I steer clear of the Love and Dating section. Is that where you were offended?

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23 Jan 2007, 10:24 am

Melantha wrote:
I thought, after reading some of Tony Attwood's stuff, that aspies were more likely than NTs to take people as individuals, at face value, with few preconceptions and prejudices. But since coming onto the WP forums, I'm starting to wonder where this idea came from.

I've never been on any forum before where so many people seem to generalize and stereotype to such an unbelievable extent. The one thing that jumps out immediately is the way the male members seem to perceive (or rather, NOT perceive) female human beings. The misconceptions and assumptions bandied about here every day are astounding and saddening.

Attitudes that even NT males would consider sexist and outdated are regularly displayed here by male aspies. They seem unable to simply view a female human being as an individual first, rather than as just an interchangeable unit of the mass known as "women".

I find it incredibly offensive to engage in dialogue with someone only to find out that he has an automatically negative prejudice against me because I was born in a body with female reproductive organs. Apparently this somehow negates all other aspects of my being and strips me of my right to be perceived as an individual; I'm not Melantha, the unique human being, I'm just a woman.

I would venture to say it's no coincidence that most of the men displaying this attitude also whine about not being able to get a girlfriend or get laid. Hmmm, maybe you guys could try just SEEING US AS PEOPLE???? Ever think of that? Women know when they're being pre-judged for what they are rather than truly seen for who they are, and they don't like it any more than you do. That could have a whole lot to do with the negative reactions you receive. :x

Thanks Melantha, I've been thinking much the same thing for quite some time. In fact, I stopped going onto Wrongplanet for nearly a year and it was partly because I got sick of some of the terrible attitudes I was seeing on some of the threads.

The most charitable explanation would be that the people concerned do not have much experience with women or have had very bad experiences through meeting the wrong woman for them.

We aren't all money-hungry b#tches and not all just want to use men. We don't all use seduction to get what we want. I don't and not all women do either.

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23 Jan 2007, 11:01 am

gwynfryn wrote:
Generalizing then, it's fair to say very few women are any good at science, not because of their facility at maths (some pointed out that school girls are better than boys at maths, on average...but failed to realise that, when it comes to pushing the enveloppe, "average" doesn't cut it! I turns out that males have a flatter curve, i.e., while the average may be lower, the extremes, at both ends are thicker {oops!} and so produce both more idiots and geniuses. What would the curve for maths or IQ be like for auties I wonder? How come nobody does these studies?) but arguably because they are not autistic enough. (my emphasis added)

That, I believe, is an an exaggeration. Very few would seem to indicate close to none at all. However since you indicated women that were talented in the sciences in the previous paragraph I may be misinterpreting your comments.

Prof_Pretorius wrote:
Well, Melantha, you certainly hit a nerve with this topic ! ! All these boys rushing to explain themselves. As an older male, I steer clear of the Love and Dating section. Is that where you were offended?

To be fair, I tend to stear clear of that particular sub-forum.

Pandora wrote:
The most charitable explanation would be that the people concerned do not have much experience with women or have had very bad experiences through meeting the wrong woman for them.

We aren't all money-hungry b#tches and not all just want to use men. We don't all use seduction to get what we want. I don't and not all women do either.

Again, I would never suggest such a thing. Unfortunately, there are some people who are just not very nice.


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23 Jan 2007, 11:28 am

Just want to through in a female who is biased and over generalizes.I am a total "black and white thinker".It is a curse and life long struggle to try and "make sense" of a world that constantly confounds me.When I was under 13,I really thought I was a male in a female body,as well as an alien in a human world.I thought all females were weak,superficial,cruel to each other and boring.(My mother was my main role model of female gender).

In high school I was "used" for sex(very nieve)and learned that males werent the flawless creatures I had once assumed,(Having not known many).I became a Women Studies minor,dabbled with thinking I was a lesbian,that all most males were potential rapist and oppressers.Until I tried developing relationships with females and realized...they werent perfect either.They could be just as controlling and manipulative as the males I had known in high school.Men were much kinder to me and I seemed to relate to them better.So I avoided women.Then I hung out with punkrockers...the girls were all really nice and the guys were mostly jerks to me and other females.SO ,I thought women were better friends. I made friends with women and got used and abused by several of them....(You would think I would have figured out by now,that people are people,some good and some mean)...I did.I learned by years of trial and error that I cant trust anyone "based" on their gender,but time will tell their true nature.

I have done this same stupid process with Native Americans and Jewish people and aspies.I seem to have a need to generalize and even worse idolize/demonize people.I dont know if this is aspergers or personal psychology, but I know my intellect "knowing" that this is illogical and harmful/limiting thinking,does not seem to stop my habit? of reverting to this way of trying to label the world.I do it for self preservation and out of fear of being hurt.Isnt were most generalization and prejudice comes from,a fear of being hurt and a need to protect yourself physically or psychologically?

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23 Jan 2007, 11:37 am

Male as a guy walking round with his hand on his crouch...

Is the fact that their not acting like a male should, like keep it all inside and screw you over that way...?

As I would have to disagree as you’re sticking everyone in 1 bag, Most NTs screw you over in they mind than tell the truth is that what is bothering you that As males will say it out loud...

I agree some have some old ways, but maybe that is just because where their are as I been learning about the USA, and most parts are outdated...

If this is the female should stay at home, do all he cooking, stick my plate on the table then ill agree with you, but don't class every one the same...

Think I need to go read as this will just be stuck through a shredder lol... Don't forget you might just be reading it wrong... Mind you this does not sound like it has... or if your taking it about me and sticking the nothing to do with As thats normal Female desires in a male partner?

Alex please change width to fixed length ;) SQL will run allot faster then, and also not make it push out ;)

Last edited by logitechdog on 23 Jan 2007, 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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23 Jan 2007, 11:47 am

donkey wrote:
yeah its a tough topic to address to a sensitive female..lets have a joke to lighten the mood......
whats the difference between a wife and a gf?

A: about 3 stone.



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23 Jan 2007, 11:59 am

krex wrote:
I learned by years of trial and error that I cant trust anyone "based" on their gender,but time will tell their true nature.

Krex, your story is very sounds very difficult. I have not gone through any like that. Some men manipulate women in that way and that is just wrong. They prey on the need for women for companionship. I don't understand how any person could engage in this sort of behavior because it seems so inherently unethical. You said women can be manipulative as well. I do not doubt this.

Everyone is an individual. There are good people and bad people in both genders. Unfortunately, women face greater risks from men who are unwilling to accept societal and personal limits.


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23 Jan 2007, 1:02 pm

ok this is a heavy topic, the initial poster is probably away somewhere cleaning, but lets address this, aspies, all aspies tend to objectify people, we dont "get it" and this is the big picture some may be missing, the male vs femal issues are personal and symptomatic of our aspie issues we all share and compensate for at varying levels nd abilities, we dont see people as persons with feelings very well, just objects and th debate will rage...lets have another many men does it take to clean a toilet?

A: none, its a womans job.

i should be sorry but im not.


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23 Jan 2007, 2:09 pm

Melantha wrote:
I thought, after reading some of Tony Attwood's stuff, that aspies were more likely than NTs to take people as individuals, at face value, with few preconceptions and prejudices. But since coming onto the WP forums, I'm starting to wonder where this idea came from. I've never been on any forum before where so many people seem to generalize and stereotype to such an unbelievable extent. The one thing that jumps out immediately is the way the male members seem to perceive (or rather, NOT perceive) female human beings. The misconceptions and assumptions bandied about here every day are astounding and saddening. Attitudes that even NT males would consider sexist and outdated are regularly displayed here by male aspies. They seem unable to simply view a female human being as an individual first, rather than as just an interchangeable unit of the mass known as "women". I find it incredibly offensive to engage in dialogue with someone only to find out that he has an automatically negative prejudice against me because I was born in a body with female reproductive organs. Apparently this somehow negates all other aspects of my being and strips me of my right to be perceived as an individual; I'm not Melantha, the unique human being, I'm just a woman. I would venture to say it's no coincidence that most of the men displaying this attitude also whine about not being able to get a girlfriend or get laid. Hmmm, maybe you guys could try just SEEING US AS PEOPLE???? Ever think of that? Women know when they're being pre-judged for what they are rather than truly seen for who they are, and they don't like it any more than you do. That could have a whole lot to do with the negative reactions you receive. :x

okay, I DO have some viable insight into this, I just don't know if I can get it out of my head into words

language is a common and external reference point, it is a means of translating internal reference points into external reference points and ganing understanding of the world outside our own minds

so are stereotypes, though they aren't as good

stereotypes are VERY primative reference points, think of them as "river that way" wheras language would be "oh, yeah, that freeway mile marker on I-80 that is 16 miles to colfax, 32 to auburn and 64 to sac" <my favorite roadsign yet>

stereotypes are how we explain things to ourselves that we don't understand, we take a bear minimum amount of information, and compile it into something that ALMOST seems to make sense, or seems to make sense or that we delude ourselves that it makes sense, in some ways as well as being a broken communication pratice it is also a shoot first ask questions later means of defending oneself

if you form a stereotype that a certain type of person is bad to work with because they don't work hard and thus they endanger your standing in the pack, tribe, company, what have you you are going to avoid working with others of that type as a means of trying to protect your standing

this is a bad explanation, I really wish I were better at this whole communication thing, I hope it's enough to allow someone else to put together an explanation that is actually understandable


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23 Jan 2007, 3:00 pm

The males hostility is directly related to the length of time they have gone without sex. In other words their bitchy-ness is caused by sexual frustration.


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23 Jan 2007, 3:15 pm

bizarre wrote:
The males hostility is directly related to the length of time they have gone without sex. In other words their bitchy-ness is caused by sexual frustration.

WOW, someone's been reading omsoc!



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23 Jan 2007, 3:54 pm

bizarre wrote:
The males hostility is directly related to the length of time they have gone without sex. In other words their bitchy-ness is caused by sexual frustration.

I think I like that explanation :D

Meh I don't think people will ever change anyway, that last 6 pages basically let people know that not everyone's happy with it :lol: