Getting a job, 3 pay raises in less than four months, a promotion and another raise before my first year. Unfortunately, since I started university, I have had little time to rest and the commuting (my workplace is across the city and São Paulo is among the largest cities in the world) is making me very tired. My sleeping patterns became completely screwed, which means I sometimes fall asleep at work. Because of it, I have made a few stupid mistakes I would never have done before and I am becoming a joke among my co-workers. In spite of that, I am somehow still making a good enough job to warrant another raise, which will happen in this month's pay, according to my boss. My decreasing performance is making me feel very unhappy, though: I suspect the real reason my superiors like me is because I show enthusiasm when I am not too tired and because I follow rules.
I have also almost finished my first semester at university at the top of my class, which is actually something, considering that I barely did any homework and I do not even bother to open my backpack after I get home. I would have gotten a scholarship, but the university has a substitutive exam system in which you can pay a fee to perform the exams again. A few students tried it and one girl managed to score 1.5 higher than me, which put me in second place. I am considering trying to make an effort this semester in order to get that scholarship, but I am a very unmotivated/lazy person. Anyway, it was unexpectedly satisfying to know that I can do a better job than most even without trying, but I am still fairly pissed because I could have done a better job if I did my homework, instead of spending my weekends trying to find something better to do.
As you can see, my "proudest" accomplishments are nothing more than Pyrrhic victories. I need to do something about that. 
DISCLAIMER: It should be noted that, while I strongly suspect I have Asperger's syndrome, I am not diagnosed. Nevertheless, my score on RAADS-R is 186, which makes me a pretty RAAD guy.
Sorry for this terrible joke, by the way.