What do NTs hate so much about us?
When I was a kid, most of the people in my class didn't like me. In high school, it even spread out to more than just my class. People would talk about me behind my back. Sometimes when I would meet someone for the first time, I would tell them my name, and they would already know who I was, but I never did find out what they were saying about me.
I was only invited to parties a couple of times in my entire life. I didn't like parties, (I felt really awkward and anxious the whole time. If someone started talking to me, I never knew what to say after "hi", and they would just walk away) but at the same time, I was disappointed that no one ever invited me to their parties.
When I was a kid, and I would see 3 or 4 people standing in the schoolyard, talking, I would go over and try to join their conversation, but it almost always ended with them going quiet, looking at me, then looking at each other, then walking away. The rare instance when it seemed like I was making a friend, they would usually stop talking to me all of a sudden after we had known each other for a few weeks. They would go from being my friend to hating me like flipping a light switch. I never knew why.
A lot of the time whenever I tried talking to someone I didn't know in high school, I would try to be friendly and say something to them, and they would be rude to me as if I had no right to even breathe the same air as them. So, I gave up trying to talk to people at all. The only reason I had any friends in high school was because I became friends with one of my brother's friends, and he introduced me to other people who became my friends. The only reason I had a boyfriend (which didn't happen until I was 20), was because he was a friend of one of my friends. I've never had any luck making friends unless they were someone I could ease into a friendship with, by spending small amounts of time with them and our mutual friend.
I'm working at a place right now that's really big on team work. What always ends up happening in situations where I'm thrown into a large group and we're all expected to get along is that everyone is friendly to each other at first, then over a few weeks, they form their own little groups of friends, and I always end up being shut out. Before long, none of them will talk to me anymore, and whenever I'm around, I see them looking at me, whispering something, then laughing.
Where I work now, there are a few people who are friendly and will invite me to sit with them, but it still feels like in high school, when I would try to sit with someone, and they would lie and say someone was sitting there. I still feel awkward about sitting with them, because I feel like (and have always felt like) they're only spending time with me out of pity.
I was only invited to parties a couple of times in my entire life. I didn't like parties, (I felt really awkward and anxious the whole time. If someone started talking to me, I never knew what to say after "hi", and they would just walk away) but at the same time, I was disappointed that no one ever invited me to their parties.
When I was a kid, and I would see 3 or 4 people standing in the schoolyard, talking, I would go over and try to join their conversation, but it almost always ended with them going quiet, looking at me, then looking at each other, then walking away. The rare instance when it seemed like I was making a friend, they would usually stop talking to me all of a sudden after we had known each other for a few weeks. They would go from being my friend to hating me like flipping a light switch. I never knew why.
A lot of the time whenever I tried talking to someone I didn't know in high school, I would try to be friendly and say something to them, and they would be rude to me as if I had no right to even breathe the same air as them. So, I gave up trying to talk to people at all. The only reason I had any friends in high school was because I became friends with one of my brother's friends, and he introduced me to other people who became my friends. The only reason I had a boyfriend (which didn't happen until I was 20), was because he was a friend of one of my friends. I've never had any luck making friends unless they were someone I could ease into a friendship with, by spending small amounts of time with them and our mutual friend.
I'm working at a place right now that's really big on team work. What always ends up happening in situations where I'm thrown into a large group and we're all expected to get along is that everyone is friendly to each other at first, then over a few weeks, they form their own little groups of friends, and I always end up being shut out. Before long, none of them will talk to me anymore, and whenever I'm around, I see them looking at me, whispering something, then laughing.
Where I work now, there are a few people who are friendly and will invite me to sit with them, but it still feels like in high school, when I would try to sit with someone, and they would lie and say someone was sitting there. I still feel awkward about sitting with them, because I feel like (and have always felt like) they're only spending time with me out of pity.
You just told the story of my life right there. Exactly.
I still have no idea what people find so hilarious about me, so much so that it's worth bad mouthing. I really don't feel THAT different.
^ Yes, me too AutumnSylver, just so deeply sorry for what you've taken - trust, I've had it done to me too. By nature, I am a forgiving person. And I am a kind person. I do have a hard time understanding why certain neurotypicals (yes, even if I'm generalising here) can condone their actions. Moondust, you stated the case really well. I think Aspies must the strongest individuals ever to endure it.
So ironic.....I read/watched on the BBC news this morning a report about Oprah Winfrey: she was unfairly treated with discrimination at a boutique in Europe. She was given a deserved apology and loads of public attention. I've never been apologised to for far worse. Have any of you ever received an apology?
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown
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You just told the story of my life right there. Exactly.
I still have no idea what people find so hilarious about me, so much so that it's worth bad mouthing. I really don't feel THAT different.
It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who had to go through that.
When I was a kid, lots of people picked on me, and I never understood why. I didn't feel very different from other people until I was about 11/12, and that was mostly because I was being ostracized by everyone, so I knew there was something different about me that people didn't like, but I didn't know what it was.
Never. Everyone seemed to feel justified in treating me like sh*t.
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What Moondust says makes sense, a lot of NTs can't handle even a low level of deviation from the self-delusions.
Some NTs can to limited eggstent, but it makes them verry merry berry uncomfortable, as some have told me.
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!
I'm so glad I found this forum. Makes me feel so much less alone in all I had to endure. It is also reassuring to know that there are people like me out there.
If only someone could tell me what about me strikes them as so obviously different to the extent of making them uncomfortable and warranting my exclusion by a large group!! But I do think moondust is onto something! The only difference I can think of is that I'm more frank.
But there are NTs who are known to be frank and they get away with it just fine... Although they may be more calculated in their frankness.
This is just so sad though. I wish I could make a presentation at school that basically says: "guys, I know what you're doing, you're being as*holes to me for no reason!! !" Except that would cause more harm than good obv. I just wish they became aware of how they are, but they're so plugged into the herd mentality they can't escape it. It's an innate part of their NTness. You find the extension cord with all the outlets, plug yourself in naturally, and follow the group current. Aspies can't find the damn socket!! ! So we're like that lonely 2-prong plug that can't stay in a socket for the life of it, it always kinda slips out when left on its own, if it is lucky enough to find it.
People like bosses and stuff can manually plug us in (eg by setting us up with working groups) but once the boss let go of the plug it slips right out. Or the bulk of the other plugs around it pushes it out.
I know for me I can tell if there is something off about someone even if I don't know exactly what it is. When people are nervous or tense around me it makes me feel uncomfortable. I guess that's empathy for you, and empathy is really easy for me. I suppose if you come off as scripted than it indeed does feel unnatural. It's definitely a NT tendency to be around people who are comfortable with them, and it makes life much easier.
I think that this is important in this case. For me I wouldn't read much in to it, but this could be something that is really important for NT. Consider these students;
Lisa is Aspie. Really a good kid that did well in school and everything. Lisas parents got killed in a car accident when she was 18, depression followed and so did an AS diagnosis. All 3 friends moved away she never heard from them again, and then much didn't get done for 3 years. 4 different antidepressants followed. But Lisa had to do something, so she went to university. She did really well, got good grades, talks to everyone, smiles and is nice, dresses nicely and makes sure nothing AS ever shows. Wouldn't dream of talking about some interest or saying anything inappropriate or being litteral. It is in part a facade, but she thoroughly enjoys every conversion anyone cares to have. Sure she is a bit more anxious than most sometimes, and a bit careful, but she doesn't think anyone sense AS and she wouldn't dream of telling anyone or ever bothering anyone with her problems.
Rachel is NT. A student as normal as they come. She lives with her boyfriend that studies something else and goes home to her parents on breaks. Rachel worked some different jobs for a couple of years, and thought it was time for university. She is outgoing and makes lots of friends and enjoys all that lighthearted NT- stuff.
Jane comes straight from 12th grade and hasn't experienced much. Her parents being good lawyers sort of expect the best. God grades are important for Jane and often it is a result of studying hard more than smarts. She has high standards for herself and those she are friends with. Anything not perfect is looked down upon. Then time has to be devoted to some activity that would make her more attractive to employers.
Now I'm a lot like Lisa. Too much. Everyone else is either a Rachel or a Jane. And why would they bother with Lisa? NT want comfortable, easy, simple, fun, lighthearted. And there are like 50 Janes and Rachels.
Lisa can be almost perfect. Do virtually everything right. Some filter in the brain makes her a little less spontaneous perhaps, or something just seem slightly off. Something is instinctively unnatural to NT. And that is all it takes in an NT-world.
No matter how near perfect she is, she'll never cut the mustard, will she? (Though no one would ever tell you.)
This is a great thread. Moondust, I agree with you. One issue is that we aren't considered to be of much use by ambitious networking NTs, who routinely cultivate friendships and choose their friends for the purposes of career advancement.
Someone (an NT I think, earlier in this thread) said that NTs base their friendships on shared emotions - implying that this rules aspies out, ie we rule ourselves out. Yeah?? I know quite a few networking NT types who cultivate friends merely with an eye to social or material advantage; they choose their friends for narcissistic reasons. I don't know any aspies who trade in social connections for their own individualistic advantage like that.
It's not true that Aspies can't have emotionally-based friendships. I am tired of this being used by NTs as some sort of justification for their excluding behaviour. We may not show emotions in an extraverted flamboyant way but the emotional feelings are there, the same range of emotions that NTs have.
I'm introverted, I'm not gossipy, I like to think and reflect before I speak, and just being introverted is like some kind of social crime to the narcissistic kind of NTs who leave me out the moment they realise that I won't be of use to them.
I suspect that one of the issues I've had in being excluded is that I'm not good at pretending emotions I don't feel - NTs can mask their boredom or pretend to like someone they don't quite easily - but for me and I think most Aspies social hypocrisy isn't in our social repetoire. And I find it hard to mask my dislike of it when I am in a group and witness it.
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The NT-ASD meme is dualistic. They are humanly devised categories which separate "us" from "them." We are all just people.
Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
36 domains/24 books: http://www.markfoster.net
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It's interesting to sit in group of nts and observe social interactions, that's what I do during group meeting instead of listening to speaker.
Collective laughter that does not seem like genuine joy/fun is particularly noticeable.
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!
I'm a very high-functioning aspie.
(AQ = 27, aspire: 119/200, NT: 109/200.)
It seems that people love to hate us aspies. I don't do anything to hurt people, and I've gotten the social rules down pretty ok due to rigorous therapy and training. Some people really adore me. But most people just seem to can't stand spending time with me and avoid it at all costs.
It's odd because this happens even on my best behaviour. I never talk about my special interest and can usually determine when people lose interest in what I have to say (so I stop). I never stim in public. But time and time again, people just love to hate me.
What is it that NTs really can't stand about aspies? Why is it do they make it a point to exclude us from their social groups? We don't hurt people (or at least I don't) and I don't even feel that different. Yet time and time again the only time I get invited to outings is when the whole class is invited by default (eg message boards, which is happening less and less). This is getting me to feel that I'm doing something to make people hate me but I don't know what it is. Sometimes i see facebook pics of what seems like most of the class hanging out without me, making me feel like they don't post invites on the discussion board anymore simply to leave me out.
I guess I'm less spontaneous and a bit socially awkward, but I don't feel like I'm doing anything that would warrant people disliking me. I like to hang out and feel part of a group, but it seems that every group I am placed in (class, camp, etc.) seems to eventually come up with an unsaid code "leave out aspieMD at all costs!! ! Inviting here would result in your ostracism!" Why would anyone care so much about a little social awkwardness to make it a point to not include me? Do NTs take advantage of little differences to assert their rank by not inviting me along - thereby bonding more with the rest of the group? I don't understand, I'd like an NT's perspective on why NTs find it so important to leave me out and why they would genuinely dislike me or avoid having me around the group (despite being nice one-on-one), given that I don't hurt people or do anything that I would consider a dealbreaker or a big deal? And it's odd how they don't even say anything about it, but that leaving me out seems to be almost natural, a given, something that is known without being discussed (my theory is that it represents the amalgamation of social cues shared between them). Aspies can comment too on their experiences.... I feel so alone!
Also, another theory: Maybe aspies bond in different ways than NTs, making it harder for aspies to bond with NTs, meanwhile my NT classmates are bonding with each other. Aspies socialize to share ideas, NTs to share emotions/make each other feel higher-ranked, so maybe NTs find aspies mundane and boring? I really don't get it!! !
Well, you'started this thread by announcing how intelligent you are, which is why i already hate you. Get it?
I don't really hate you but jealous types might not need further encouragment.
It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who had to go through that.
When I was a kid, lots of people picked on me, and I never understood why. I didn't feel very different from other people until I was about 11/12, and that was mostly because I was being ostracized by everyone, so I knew there was something different about me that people didn't like, but I didn't know what it was.
You know that its plagiarism when you copy my thoughts word for word like you have on this thread . Yes I had the same experiences at around 12 where I was suddenly disliked by everyone: nobody would let me sit next to them (i had to lie on the floor on the bus) and anytime I tried to join in I got the silent treatment. I also had a few classmates deliberately mislead me on homework and I still do not understand why to this day. I do think it has to do with how the herd doesnt want its delusions shattered by the kid who cant see the emporers clothes.
To this day while I can get along with a couple of former bullies I have NEVER heard as much as a sorry. I will bet to this day half of them still feel justified in treating me so poorly.
Omg very nice aspieMD, this thread is nice!! !
I'm only 18, and I want to study bio-medical sciences.
But I have found a book which describe me very nicely.
http://youmaybeinsane.webstarts.com/ind ... 0228130918
It's a very interesting book for someone who's going for doctor.
Sorry my language is not perfect, i don't learn english on school.
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