Epsilon wrote:
Are you, like, into, like, computers and math and stuff?
Yeah, I got that sort of stuff back at school from the other kids. One time they went a step further and actually asked a teacher:
"Is FMX...
It was like "smart" was some kind of a mythical concept to them!

Like they've heard legends of these "smart" people, but never actually seen one in the flesh - which probably wasn't far from the truth at that school.

GiantHockeyFan wrote:
It's like going up to a blind person and saying "yeah, we sighted folks are sometimes blinded by the sun I know what you are going through"
I like that analogy! I'll be sure to use it sometime.
SplinterStar wrote:
"Why can't you keep a job? It's not hard." Just... shut up. It's the hardest thing on the planet. Do normal people have any idea how important recognizing voice tones and facial expressions is, and hard it is to do? Not realizing I'm giving off a mocking tone has gotten me fired so many times. I don't even try anymore, you know why? because I bomb the interview in like 10 f***ing seconds. Every time I hear this line I want punch them in the face.
A bit off-topic, but have you tried just explaining to them right from the start that your facial expression and tone should not be interpreted in the usual way? Yes, that would make them think you're a bit odd right from the start, but by the sound of it, that wouldn't be any worse than what happens as it is. Optionally, you could actually say you have Asperger's - but still make sure to explain specifically about facial expression and tone.