I break 7 of those 10 rules regularly. I don't break rules 8, 2, and 1. Dirty fingernails are nasty. I'm too lazy to tuck my shirt in anyway. And shandals are ridiculed where I come from. I'll defend my stance on the other 7.
About rule 10, it deeply offended me.
It said stay away from large fancy buckles. Newsflash: I'M FROM TEXAS! Of course I wear large fancy buckles, in Texas we put the bling bling right over our thing thing.
What's so bad about white socks?
And about facial hair, someone had this to say.
Ticker wrote:
Goatees are for goats.
Oh really? Well I guess I have to keep mine now. It's for me!:P
About no tight jeans, well. I'm a rockstar whether you say so or not.
Clothes for people my size are expensive, and I hate shopping for them.

So I'll stay with the holes/tears/etc.
I only have one set of shoes. And they're running shoes! (another reason I didn't break rule #1) I even wear them to church and no one notices (no one points it out at least).
For free shirts I'll just wear 'em if they're in the drawer. No point in wasting an hour debating which shirt is most fashionable.
I don't look like a nerd though... so maybe this list didn't apply to me anyway. Or is this general fashion advice?