I'm more open minded about others with disabilities. It's not just that but I seem to be open minded about a whole lot of things now. I think it has helped being in the mental illness and disability community. You also learn that not everyone agrees on the same things and that every situation can be seen from many angles.
Being myself. I've always had this immunity to peer pressure and lately I've been hearing people say of me, 'you just do want you want and don't care what people think - I want to be like that.' OK, one, I didn't know I did that but I'm really owning it now. Yes, I do like to dress up at times and I can sort of watch what I say around people. But I am impulsive, have no clue or interest in fashion, and just love my special interests to death that I all types of mockery thrown at me for liking them just washes off me. I've said before I view myself as a character in a story rather than just another individual on the street. So, the only person I want to be like is me...and a few rock musicians I know. And perhaps the young Penguin from Gotham. I've got this big thing about being gender-neutral and rejecting that whole 'tomboy' label.
The actual traits of autism; attention to detail, intense focus, being overly honest, logic-minded, routine oriented/natural ability at organisation, and that in depth knowledge of my special interests especially fact-based information. I do have those heightened senses too. They can be enjoyable when they don't hurt.