auntblabby wrote:
chagya wrote:
Upper middle class people have their own share of unhappiness, suffering, mental illness and everything else that makes the 99% "normal". People with money and resources, however, can use money to make sure their dysfunctions do not climb out of the closet. The rest of us live in the closet. Everyone has something in their life that would or could shock or surprise people who know us but don't have 24/7 hour access to us. Everyone knows a "perfect" family, but every "perfect" family has darkness.
the thing about $$$$$$$, is that it can buy some extra distance from unhappiness. most of us lacking $$$$$$$ are forced to live up close and personal with unhappiness.
This reminds me of a classic chicken/egg question.. which comes first? Money or happiness?
IMO, happiness. Money follows after that. Get healthy & happy and then money comes much more easily - it has for me, anyways. Even though I'm not making a high income I've managed to make and save more than ever before over the last year or so and am only looking up on all accounts - happier, healthier, wealthier.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.