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21 Mar 2015, 1:20 am

Raleigh wrote:
^ Symmetry OCD?

:idea: sounds good to me :thumleft: thanx :)


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21 Mar 2015, 1:21 am

ImAnAspie wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
hmmmm.... :scratch: I wonder what they call that phenomenon?

Body Zaps <= link

thanx :) I guess mine are like zaps but without the "zap" part but with the whole body reaction part just as though I got zapped.


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21 Mar 2015, 3:04 am

Raleigh wrote:
^ Symmetry OCD?

I´ve had that too. In my school years it made me very slow, because everything had to be corrected until total symmetry was obtained.

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21 Mar 2015, 3:57 am

I could go on forever, but for starters...

When I go shopping or out someplace else with my mother, I have to walk slightly behind and to the left of her (so she's to my right); if in the company of other people I usually hang to the rear and left as well. I can hardly bear to walk in front of somebody or have them walking to my left--it feels all wrong and like I'll start tripping/falling. They have to be to my right.

Similarly, when eating in public, there's almost always a "right" side and a "wrong" side to sit in in booths and at tables. (I prefer booths to tables because tables are often round and thus have no sides!) For years I could not figure out how my brain determined which was right and wrong; it just "felt" that way. (Once in a while the feeling isn't so clear, and I actually feel distressed that I can't choose the correct side!) After much pondering I realized that where I sit almost always "protects" my right side (my right side being toward the wall/enclosed portion). Doesn't matter that I sit on the end of the seat furthest away from the wall, the wall has to be to my right (most times).

Oh, yes. I also need the aisle to be open or I get panicky; I hate being closed into a booth. I'm not claustrophobic, I just need an open avenue of "escape."

I HATE escalators, turnstiles, and revolving doors. HATE HATE HATE them. I feel like I'll get stuck in them! I'm okay with elevators, though.

I never, ever make eye contact with anyone other than my parents (with whom I live), and even when I do it with them I feel very self-conscious and invaded. (When I tried to explain how eye contact made me feel--"It's like people can read my thoughts"--they put me on an antipsychotic, Risperdal. :roll: I took it about a week, then told them I believed they'd misunderstood me--I didn't really believe people could read my mind, it just FELT invasive like that.)

When I talk to people, I usually talk clearly and quite well, but I'll be staring down off to their side, as if I'm looking at something behind them--nowhere near their face or even their body. If I'm feeling quite confident I might kind of look at their arm or something. The more anxious or upset I get, the lower my stare goes; when very upset I'll shrink in on myself and be staring at my own lap or feet until my neck hurts. (I was in therapy for years but I don't even know what my psychologist looked like.) This avoidance of looking people in the face also often extends to mirrors, and I hate taking pictures of people for similar reasons. (When I was little, I felt like my stuffed toys and the posters on my walls were staring at me. :| ) So far, nobody but my mother (who called it "ignorant" :( ) and former therapist has commented on this lack of eye contact, but I often suspect that this, plus my awkward demeanor and my tendency of always walking along after my mother (I'm 38, BTW), leads people to suspect I'm mentally handicapped or something. :oops:

Once I dozed off in the waiting room of an unfamiliar hospital while my mother went off to visit my grandmother, who'd been hospitalized. She didn't tell me she was leaving, so even though when I awoke I knew where she must be, I had no idea how to get there. So I went to the reception desk and meekly asked the lady there if she'd seen where my mother had gone. She told me the room/area of the hospital they'd gone to. But since I'd never been there before, I had no idea where it was. (Even if I'd been there before, I'd still have no clue where to go--I'm HORRIBLE at navigating.) So I asked if she could lead me there. She gave me this weird look like she thought I was nuts. But she led me through the hospital, peering back at me every so often as if she were afraid I'd go wandering off by myself. She started to stop before we reached the room and I quickly said I'd need her to point me out EXACTLY where the room was, and again I received the strange look. We finally reached the room and I thanked her in great embarrassment and watched her continue giving me that weird sideways stare as she walked back to her desk. I was so steamed at my mother for bailing out on me like that and leaving me in a strange place, but even more humiliated by those looks the lady gave me. THAT is how I suspect many people see me. ;_;
--end of digression--

--secondary digression--
Often when I get my teeth cleaned at the dentist and they give me the "goodie bag" with the floss and toothpaste and new toothbrush afterwards, they'll ask what color toothbrush I prefer. I wonder how old they think I am? :|
--end of secondary digression--

I'll probably have a lot more later on...I have some pretty strange habits. ;_;

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21 Mar 2015, 4:03 am

Boo Radley wrote:
My biggest quirk - I cannot stop bringing books home. If I go into a bookstore I have to buy something. I don't necessarily have to read them (although I have read most of my collection). I just like to collect them. I have gathered so many titles my shelves are sagging under the weight. Holding a good book is relaxing. The smell of old books is also calming. When we travel I always find the town's mom and pop bookstore. I could stay in those places for hours.


*cough* I mean...I'm a little obsessive about books, too. :oops: Oh how I could go on and on forever about them. Reading them is the best, but even just to hold them and page through them and admire them on the shelves... :heart:


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21 Mar 2015, 4:14 am

Hehe! When I was a kid and a teen - and a young adult, I covered up any photos on the wall or on cupboards, because I felt, they were staring. I even felt, that a picture of Paul McCartney might report back to him :roll:

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21 Mar 2015, 4:20 am

I don't know if this is specifically an aspie trait or not, but when I was a little kid I'd sleep entirely wrapped by blankets 'cept for a little breathing tunnel. I was trying to ward off the brain monster that hid at the foot of the bed. Image


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21 Mar 2015, 4:29 am

Weird aspie traits huh? Well, one of mine that immediately comes to mind is that sometimes I'll beat my chest like a gorilla. I'm certain there are others, but I can't think of them right now.


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21 Mar 2015, 4:45 am

Sometimes, when I'm thinking, I'll squeeze my eyes shut when I blink, rock back and forth and my breaths become shuddery.

Sometimes, when I'm very excited or very happy, I make high pitched squeaking sounds and rock back and forth.


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21 Mar 2015, 4:53 am

When I get a certain subject in my head - I can't talk about or think about hardly anything else for weeks.

I'll sometimes start talking to myself midway in a conversation with someone else.

If I'm really worked up and nervous - I might be seen aggressively talking to myself - with an angry expression on my face while I flap my hands aggressively. That one usually requires me to be in a particularly nervous state.

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21 Mar 2015, 8:42 am

I can burp the ABC's. I did it on Call of Duty online, I think I was muted by everyone.


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21 Mar 2015, 9:16 am

Heheh! I the late 1800s in Paris, a man gained his fame by FARTING "La Marseillaise".

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Boo Radley

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21 Mar 2015, 11:17 am

auntblabby wrote:
I have this involuntary jerk that seems to make my whole body twitch, sometimes it just sneaks up on me, I don't know anything about why that happens, it is like a body-wide shudder but quick.

I get these as well! It's like my brain is resetting or something. A glitch in the matrix.


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21 Mar 2015, 12:41 pm

Jensen wrote:
Heheh! I the late 1800s in Paris, a man gained his fame by FARTING "La Marseillaise".

his name was le petemaine, I believe. the "pete" part is French verb for "passing gas."

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22 Mar 2015, 4:25 am

Jensen wrote:
Hehe! When I was a kid and a teen - and a young adult, I covered up any photos on the wall or on cupboards, because I felt, they were staring. I even felt, that a picture of Paul McCartney might report back to him :roll:

Ha, that reminded me. :lol: When I was little I was obsessed with this show called Zoobilee Zoo. I watched it religiously. One day I had to go somewhere and was going to have to miss it, and I felt so awful and guilty, that I wrote a letter to the characters on Zoobilee Zoo, informing them that I would not be able to watch their show that day, and I was very sorry. I left it sitting on my dresser, because of course I could not send it to them or anything...I believe I KNEW they weren't real people, but I loved them so much I FELT like they were, thus my guilt and my need to leave them an apology. I guess it was the mere act of writing it out that made it sincere. (Strangely, I never felt the need to do this for any of the characters on Sesame Street or Muppet Babies...)

Looking back on this now all I can think is, why, why, why. :?


Another weird thing I did when little: I used to pretend I was weird characters who were often just personifications of ideas or some such. For example, I loved music by The Little River Band, so I created a character called The Little River Band Guy; he didn't exactly do anything, but pretending to be The Little River Band Guy entailed me wearing pink glasses without lenses (my "goggles") and a sort of aviator cap on my head. And I would hang out in the closet in this getup, perhaps pretending I was flying a plane or was in outer space. :?: :?: :?:

I also, after hearing Elvis Presley mention a mailbox in the song "Return To Sender," fixated on that for some reason, and started pretending to be a mailbox, which entailed wearing this orange plastic covered bridge toy on my head. I don't know, I guess I felt that made me look like a mailbox.

I honestly do not know how to explain any of this. :| I was a very weird child, I guess.

Fortunately, by the time I reached late elementary school I'd progressed to pretending to be a talking dog or cat or some such. No more Little River Band Guy or sentient mailbox. Thank goodness.


I've still got more but need to get to bed. Perhaps this thread could be my catharsis for all my weirdness. Or at least a sounding board for whether I'm really Aspie-ish or not. :|


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22 Mar 2015, 5:48 am

The neutral emoticon is the least neutral looking emoticon I have ever seen out of all of the ones I have seen, it makes the person sound sad or kind of mournful, it's confusing. It looks like this: -_-

Welcome to the inside of your head. It's kind of empty in here.
Ma-Ma is not the law. I am the law.