Do you ever think you give the 'creep' vibe?

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31 Jan 2016, 11:15 pm

Austinfrom1995 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I do that also, if something [like, for example, the sight of somebody with their fly open] distracts me while I am talking to somebody, I am prone to saying something like, "ok, I will get your fly closed by tomorrow." :oops:

Lol, ya it's as if my brain mixes up " identify object as spoon" with "say the word spoon".

yes, that is part and parcel of having a one-track mind. :oops: it is like I can only handle one thought at a time.


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31 Jan 2016, 11:19 pm

Outrider wrote:
Yes I myself have questioned if I am a sociopath or developing into one many times before. I rarely feel empathy or concern for most other human beings. This might just be normal as most people don't care about other people, and humanity is selfish. Another thing is while I do have subjective morals, I don't believe there is an objective 'good' or 'evil' and 'right' or 'wrong'. For instance I don't believe Hitler was good nor evil because I simply don't believe in that stuff. I don't think 'murder' is 'wrong', as it depends on the situation (e.g. is executing a criminal wrong? In times of war, when it's be or be killed, is it wrong for you to murder the other person, because if you did not take action, they would have, resulting in someone dying in the end anyway.). Anyway most people would find my coldness 'sociopathic'. Like I said I have subjective/personal morals, but still think my personal morals are only personal and not inherently 'true'. I believe factually, there are no right or wrong morals. People are quick to assume if I say I believe 'murder, råpe, torture' etc. aren't 'wrong', that I would actually be interested in acting on them (hint: I'm not) or that I condone other people doing these things. Again, I'm not, but believe they will always happen due to human nature.

So I relate to sociopaths in that aspect, though even the second sociopath I met said those things were 'wrong'.

I don't think I am because I still feel many emotions especially care for my family, I think perhaps it's just cold hard logical thinking.

But, at the same time, over the years I've developed the 'superficial charm' ability like sociopaths do and enjoy putting on the act to come across as charismatic, and like I said it's still odd how sociopaths are so comfortable confiding in us.

Both of the sociopaths claimed to have that ability to supposedly analyze other people and probably picked-up I was either 'one of them' or just would be comfortable with them.

I very much dislike the dishonest and avoidant personalities of most people. Most people are selfish I believe and do just do whatever polite little white lies they can to get out of situations to avoid difficulties.

I liked these sociopaths because they were actually honest and open with me, and I am also an open and honest person. Tbh I felt more comfortable they revealed their want to physically hurt me than those that just keep it hidden.

I won't completely detour the original thread (this would be a good new one), but do want to say - to me, just because some people may continue some acts throughout history, doesn't mean it's then morally okay. Nor that it is human nature and therefore, objectively absent of judgement or control.
Ugh, i just started writing a bunch more...ultimate point, man has a level of awareness of the impact of his actions at a level many other animals don't. Man also has choices in the world we've created. To perform such an act despite that awareness and option to do otherwise is where it diverts from the neutrality of nature and into the morality of man.

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31 Jan 2016, 11:24 pm

auntblabby wrote:
Austinfrom1995 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I do that also, if something [like, for example, the sight of somebody with their fly open] distracts me while I am talking to somebody, I am prone to saying something like, "ok, I will get your fly closed by tomorrow." :oops:

Lol, ya it's as if my brain mixes up " identify object as spoon" with "say the word spoon".

yes, that is part and parcel of having a one-track mind. :oops: it is like I can only handle one thought at a time.

Yup, that is exactly how I am. :oops:

Ya, I'm weird like that... :alien:


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01 Feb 2016, 9:31 am


Yes true I did get carried away but tried to relate it to the thread.

Sociopathy and creepiness are somewhat interrelated I think, or at least being one will make people assume you are also the other.

I respect your more...optimistic views on our control and responsibility over our actions as a species. It will not however change my position on things - that I don't believe in objective good or evil, right or wrong. I'm very apathetic and neutral about morals. The people who are like 'Hitler was BAD BAD BAD. How can you not see that? You must be a sociopath!' make me laugh. I think he was simply someone carrying about his goals, and stopping all adversity that stood in his way. Some people simply conflict with his goals. Seriously, considering Hitler oppressed communists, socialists, black people, LGBT, disabled, etc. (I am part black, bisexual, socialist, and have aspergers) and yet I still don't believe he was 'evil' is something to think about. It's not like my heart doesn't go out to my oppressed people when the white settlers came, to the native americans, to those mistreated by Hitler, to all who have suffered then and today, but usually even when the tables are turned, most are no better than they in the end.

Back on-topic:Does anyone feel they come across as even slightly sociopathic/creepy due to their cold, logical, machine-like view of the world?


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01 Feb 2016, 6:48 pm

Outrider wrote:

Yes true I did get carried away but tried to relate it to the thread.

Sociopathy and creepiness are somewhat interrelated I think, or at least being one will make people assume you are also the other.

I respect your more...optimistic views on our control and responsibility over our actions as a species. It will not however change my position on things - that I don't believe in objective good or evil, right or wrong. I'm very apathetic and neutral about morals. The people who are like 'Hitler was BAD BAD BAD. How can you not see that? You must be a sociopath!' make me laugh. I think he was simply someone carrying about his goals, and stopping all adversity that stood in his way. Some people simply conflict with his goals. Seriously, considering Hitler oppressed communists, socialists, black people, LGBT, disabled, etc. (I am part black, bisexual, socialist, and have aspergers) and yet I still don't believe he was 'evil' is something to think about. It's not like my heart doesn't go out to my oppressed people when the white settlers came, to the native americans, to those mistreated by Hitler, to all who have suffered then and today, but usually even when the tables are turned, most are no better than they in the end.

Back on-topic:Does anyone feel they come across as even slightly sociopathic/creepy due to their cold, logical, machine-like view of the world?

I didn't mean that. I think it's a good subject and started to write a lengthy reply..i didn't want my replies to completely detour, so i cut it short.. Your comments though were definitely still relevant.

For what it's worth, i'm not optimistic about man. But i'll leave it at that lest i completely digress :)

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02 Feb 2016, 11:12 pm

I wouldn't say I give off a creepy vibe, but I definitely give off a "weird" vibe. I know people notice it almost immediately. I've kind of just learned to go with it, I kinda like being a weird person, and if somebody doesn't get that then they're not the kind of person I want to hang out with. In person, I do weird things. I rock back and forth, I sway side to side, I tap my feet, I randomly stare wide-eyed into the sky, etc. Sometimes, when I'm acting weird, I think the problem is that other people think they're making me feel weird. It's a lot better, I find, to let them know that I'm just weird so they don't think I'm acting weird because of them. I've always considered and described myself as a weird person, I've kind of had to learn to embrace it without going overboard.

My only problem is not knowing what to say to people... sometimes I'll freeze up and just stand there awkwardly staring at the ground. That usually only happens with people I don't know well. It's really hard for me to make new friends, but the friends I do have are amazing and they understand me more than most people.

As for typing and messaging people on the internet, yes, I am so obsessive about what I write and send. I will read it and re-read it 30 times over making sure it makes sense. Sometimes when I read my own words back to myself, I'm not sure if it will make sense to other people or not. So, I hope this post made sense! haha