Cheyenne.m wrote:
I just know everyone tried to keep his autism a secret so we thought he was a jerk and weird the way he came up and set with us and doing what he did, after it was explain we realized we were the jerks and it didn't have to be that way and I know each person is differnt
There was this guy where my dad used to work who was autistic, but it was supposed to be a big secret. But of course my dad spotted it right away. I guess it has to do with not disclosing personal information. But I think if a person's autistic behavior is something that stands out, it helps to know what it is.
Horse riding is used as therapy for autism. Something about it has positive effects.
There was a movie I saw once about an autistic kid, and a guy in it that was an expert on autism said, "You know who completely understands autism? Nobody."