My letter to autism speaks. I reject a cure.
No no, you're still the first one as far as I can tell. That's an apt description for someone who would not only deny other autistic people a cure, but say that they must have something wrong with them if they want one. Your behavior is absolutely disgusting. I may have been a bit too aggressive in my initial post, but you have been profoundly condescending and rude to me and it doesn't really encourage me to treat you any better. I am not inclined to show compassion to people who are dismissive of my views, my problems and my feelings.
The message I'm sending is "if I want a cure, it's none of your damn business."
That's wonderful for you. I'm not fine as I am. You need to accept that, rather than trying to force your views on me.

Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.
Umm forgive my youthful ignorance but gee, heres a thought: "maybe my problems are caused from other separate, comorbid conditions other than autism. Maybe autism isnt the enemy here. Maybe my other conditions coupled with my bad attitude and angry bitterness are what is causing my issues" wow!
Now there's a thought! What a novel idea!

Great, allow me to propose an alternate solution: you're wrong, and for some other people autism causes a lot of problems and is a negative force in their lives... and you blithely and condescendingly dismiss them because this does not fit your worldview.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.
Ye gods, the arguement in here is, frankly, ridiculous. I dont mean just this topic. I mean this overall arguement that repeats itself endlessly.
One thing I've learned over the years: Never, ever, EVER put yourself in someone else's shoes and actually believe that you understand where they are coming from. Because you DONT.
To me, this is all very.... very simple.
Some people really hate that they have autism. It causes them nothing but trouble in their lives. And BEFORE someone whines about those two sentences, keep in mind how ridiculously varied the "symptoms" of autism are. Even just me for example: Alot of autistics need LOTS of order in their lives. Things must be systematic, and they are very organized... any missteps are huge headaches for them. Me? Direct opposite. About as organized as a tornado and just as patient (which is to say, not at all). And that's just THAT type of variation. Considering that the world we live in rather REQUIRES certain things of people in order to succeed in various ways (mostly jobs), when you have something that goes utterly against that... that's a problem. Some people here find that EXTREMELY frustrating, and the source of nothing but pain. Of COURSE they want a bloody cure.
On the other hand, some of us... we may almost feel like we dodged a freaking bullet. We might be just fine with the fact that we have it. I fit into this camp. I see what "normal" society is, and frankly, I see a bunch of demented rats swarming around biting everything. I'll have no part in it, thanks. And it's only thanks to having autism that I can see society from this outside view, and avoid so many of the ridiculous parts of it. That's just MY reason. Others have all sorts of reasons of their own, which are as varied as the forms autism takes. To each, it's not a BAD thing... but something to be embraced. Of COURSE they dont want a bloody cure.
HOWEVER. Nobody said that the ones that dont want it would HAVE to freaking take it if a cure ever is found. In other words, the finding of a cure would benefit the side that wants it... yet not at all harm the side that doesnt. The search may also bring about more scientific knowledge in a general sense, useful for other applications. Dont even try to tell me that this is NOT a good thing. Imagine me simply throwing chairs at you if you do this.
One way or another though... arguing about it is silly. Since many want this cure VERY BADLY, the search will go on. The question is wether or not people can stop being so freaking petty that they pester the other side about their views.
There, I've given my negative and unpleasant input. My work here is done. You're welcome. Stop arguing. Really, this subject gets so old...
So let me see, you think that me sharing my letter is ridiculous? Because thats what this thread is supposed to be about. Unfortunately some people decided to turn it into an argument. Also the searxh may cease andthat is what i am advocating for and ac eptance may become the norm, also what im advocating for. However i wont put up wuth people insulting my views and personally attacking me. You want to argue? Lets argue. You want to support me? Im grateful.
Are they wrong in wanting to change their gender? Should we let them?
I want to apologize to the entire forum. I have been a terrible person, very harsh and critical.
I still hold many of my views, but I will tone down my anger and stop being so bigoted and judgmental. I can't possibly know how you see things and will stop thinking I know everything you all think.
So what's your message to people who feel they would benefit from a cure; "f**k you, you don't matter"?
You've been insulting me this whole time.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.
What I dont like isnt the topic, it's the non-stop bloody arguing.
That's the thing about it for me. The topic itself, is fairly interesting. The nature of autism, the possibility or impossibility of a cure, and the thoughts, views, and psychology of those that want or do not want a cure... all fascinating.
HOWEVER, every single freaking time I look at a topic about any of this, well... I see quickly that the topic in question devolved into... that.
It happens EVERY time. And to this day, I have no bloody clue WHY, aside from "people need something to yell about".
Bear in mind that is very different message from conventional medical ethics. At least when actual medical professionals are involved, ethics related to medical experiments and treatments are not some kind of private matter of the test subject or patient.
No. First off i didnt post my letter to start an argument. It is not my fault that you had to make this assumption that I was being patronizing and insulting when I was only trying to be honest about how I was feeling and I'm still feeling sorry for you, that you seem to have a hard time accepting your autism. I don't and will never believe that autism is responsible for all the problems in your life. It's a matter of changing your perceptions of autism's effects in your life. If you are either unable or unwilling to do that, that is very unfortunate. However I was only being honest. I was not trying to be insulting and there was no hidden meaning behind what I said. I can only hope that you get the help you so obviously and desperately need with this. You turn this into a confrontation. So please do not put that metaphorical monkey on my back. I won't own it. If you wish to be hateful and spiteful then please do me a favour and go somewhere else. Otherwise if you wish to change your views and stop being hateful and spiteful, bitter and angry, then I'm grateful for your support. Thank you.
@johnnyh I don't think that my opinion of transgendered person's is really relevant here is it? Let me explain. I am not a transgendered person therefore I don't feel that I have the right to comment or have an opinion on transgendered people. This discussion is not about transgendered people. And plus I do not have an opinion on transgender people. For three reasons:
1. I am not a transgendered person
2. I've never really thought about it.
3. I've made it my business to not have an opinion on broad topics ( LGBTQ, airplane flying, mechanic work, house building, cancer, ALS, butterfly collecting etc,etc,etc.) that I have no personal experience with.
What you are doing waterstar is when AJ says: "I think this" you say "no you think that" and you do this with everyone who does not have the same view of the world. You aren't even disagreeing with an opinion or belief, you say it couldn't possibly exist. Like the early USSR Stalin policy of "false consciousness".
Also my analogy to transgendered people is to people wanting a cure. Could you imagine some do not feel comfortable their biological sex is true? So is wanting to be cured, it follows some want a different life.
I want to apologize to the entire forum. I have been a terrible person, very harsh and critical.
I still hold many of my views, but I will tone down my anger and stop being so bigoted and judgmental. I can't possibly know how you see things and will stop thinking I know everything you all think.
Autism is set for life, It is wired into you and you or autism speaks can't wire it out. There will never be a traditional cure what there will be is genetic screening.
It is what it is. I take it the OP hasn't seen the horrors of the most severe LFA - it takes a toll on the entire family as well as the autistic person. It is a nightmare for so many reasons, especially since many LFA's will likely experience some sort of physical abuse or neglect in their life time.
... I was not trying to be insulting and there was no hidden meaning behind what I said...
No, there is no hidden meaning; you're plainly being insulting and condescending. There is no ambiguity about it. I mean:
Here you are, doing it again. Telling me that because I disagree with you there must be something wrong with me.
How old are you? When were you diagnosed? I've been aware of my autism since 1991. I've had all that time to understand it and accept its role in my life and to learn how it affects me. I've never needed to be "empowered" or sought "acceptance". I've needed help for the problems it causes me, though. I've fought and struggled with it, I've learned to adapt. Here you are now, telling me that was all wrong and I just need to do things the waterstar0610 way and it'll all be fine. Where do you get off doing that? What gives you the right to tell me that I'm all wrong about my autism and my life?
No, I'm not going anywhere. You're the one who said you were leaving, and when I called your bluff you came back here and pouted because I still will not bow down to your ego and your attempts to speak for all autistic people.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.
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