kraftiekortie wrote:
It's a longstanding WP tradition to digress......
I've been told that I digress, but I usually digress in a more focused way. I wouldn't say that I have a short attention span (things usually hold my attention for awhile, unless they're exceptionally dull to me) heck, sometimes I focus on things too much. I know in English someone once asked me if everyone was dead in my brain, since I would focus on my work so much and tended to shut everyone else out when I was writing. Hell, my parents had me tested to see if I was deaf because I had a tendency to have selective hearing. In my school records it says I had a short attention span in lesson, and would often return to my art projects to alter them when I wasn't supposed to. I guess I was something of a perfectionist even back then, haha.
What usually happens is someone asks me to explain something, and I give them too much information on it and they get bored and stop listening. Apparently I use too many words. Other times I'll end up expanding into related things when I shouldn't, for instance one time I came out to someone and I ended up discussing nature VS nurture and my opinions on that in the coming out post when a simple "I'm gay" probably would've sufficed.
Dammit me. XD
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.