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31 Oct 2017, 9:50 am

Is lack of intelligence the only reason for being in special ed?


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31 Oct 2017, 12:33 pm

Why do people assume that you can't be smart if you're only good at the things you're interested in? Like I mentioned before, I loved to read and learn from books as a kid, but most of the stuff I read and learned was about animals and plants and bugs and insects and cartoons and non-mathematical science. But when I was in junior high my grades plummeted and my mother would ask me why because she knew I liked to read and learn things. Yeah, as long as it wasn't math, social studies, and physical education.

I guess I only liked doing it when it wasn't being taught in school. Go figure.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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01 Nov 2017, 9:14 am

I've never really thought of myself as intelligent, barely managed to scrape a pass on my exams at school. I'm better at hands on sort of things, if you give me a maths equation for example I'd be all day trying to make sense of it. But if you gave me a car I could strip the engine down and put it back together again.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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01 Nov 2017, 9:46 pm

i received my official diagnosis yesterday . So the Diagnosis that i received are social pragmatic communication disorder, Intellectual disability, and ADHD. Does the diagnosis 
of social pragmatic communication disorder mean that i am not autistic. I think i am going to get a second opinion on the social pragmatic communication disorde. The Intellectual disability said that my IQ was 68 i looked the mental age up for that score and it said 10 years old so what does that mean i have the mentally of a 10 year old which doesn't make cents.


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02 Nov 2017, 8:40 am

Marine414 wrote:
i received my official diagnosis yesterday . So the Diagnosis that i received are social pragmatic communication disorder, Intellectual disability, and ADHD. Does the diagnosis 
of social pragmatic communication disorder mean that i am not autistic. I think i am going to get a second opinion on the social pragmatic communication disorde. The Intellectual disability said that my IQ was 68 i looked the mental age up for that score and it said 10 years old so what does that mean i have the mentally of a 10 year old which doesn't make cents.

Yes it means you are not autistic and it does mean you have a mentality of a ten year old. But IQ scores fluctuate so people can score from being mildly ret*d up to being borderline intellectual delay so people that score like that it's hard to say if they are intellectually impaired or just slow and what their mental age is.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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02 Nov 2017, 9:09 am

WTF? A person with an IQ of 68 wouldn't be able to write your posts.

You should look up your Performance scores versus your Verbal scores. Frequently, people with autism spectrum disorders have scattered scores (e.g., very high Verbal scores in combination with very low Performance scores).

I once tested out at 150 Verbal, 90 performance.

Basically, what I'm saying is that your results are a prime example of what is wrong with IQ tests. I wonder if "motivation" played a role in your score. Or some sort of depression?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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02 Nov 2017, 5:48 pm

I thought that social pragmatic communication disorder was not Autism but it should be because it's the same cetera just without the restrictive and repetitive behavior. Look it up


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04 Nov 2017, 2:21 pm

I got services in school since day one, but I was always in mainstream classes. The services helped me with things like social skills and made it so I could take breaks when I got overwhelmed. I was pretty smart and did well up until middle school. After that, I struggled but always managed to pass, even if just barely. I'm in college now, and things have so far been the same way. My GPA is a 2.8 or something like that and I mostly get C's with the exception of my Psychology classes, where I tend to get B's. I do worse in math and science, however. I have to retake Algebra for the third time next semester.

When it comes to general intelligence, I don't think I'm too bright. I try, but I don't know a lot of things that others know. My IQ was tested when I was evaluated at 13, and came up as about 115, but I don't feel like that is completely accurate.

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06 Nov 2017, 6:46 pm

Yeah I'm not intelligent at all. I'm very slow, I'm poorly coordinated, I'm not highly motivated, my IQ is very average, and I have absolutely zero interest in anything that takes thinking like programming or anything. I'm a doer not a thinker. I wouldn't say I'm really low IQ but I'm certainly not smart.


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08 Nov 2017, 12:42 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
WTF? A person with an IQ of 68 wouldn't be able to write your posts.

You should look up your Performance scores versus your Verbal scores. Frequently, people with autism spectrum disorders have scattered scores (e.g., very high Verbal scores in combination with very low Performance scores).

I once tested out at 150 Verbal, 90 performance.

Basically, what I'm saying is that your results are a prime example of what is wrong with IQ tests. I wonder if "motivation" played a role in your score. Or some sort of depression?

I don't think intellectual disability can be ruled out because of writing ability. A former member who is intellectually disabled made well written posts and a has a well written blog. Then there's Carly Fleischmann's writings. I write well, but it takes me a long time to crank out a post compared to the average person. And when it comes to most other academics I do poorly. Not that I am intellectually disabled, but I sound better in writing than I actually am.


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08 Nov 2017, 3:46 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
WTF? A person with an IQ of 68 wouldn't be able to write your posts.

You should look up your Performance scores versus your Verbal scores. Frequently, people with autism spectrum disorders have scattered scores (e.g., very high Verbal scores in combination with very low Performance scores).

I once tested out at 150 Verbal, 90 performance.

Basically, what I'm saying is that your results are a prime example of what is wrong with IQ tests. I wonder if "motivation" played a role in your score. Or some sort of depression?

You don't think a ten year old can make posts online? Sure they can. We have even had kids that young posting here or young as eight. You might find more of them in the Kids Crater.

But any way my scores have always been the opposite. My performance score would be average (95-107) range and my verbal IQ score would be very low. That should indicate I was not intellectually impaired despite my overall IQ score. Then in 5th grade they were all close together all in the average range.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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08 Nov 2017, 6:34 pm

This is from an email from Larry Blim(a parent advocate) re a post by him on the NLD list-yahoo groups back in 2003.

Generally the full scale score on the WISC III is the person's IQ score.
However, when there is a gap of 10 points or more betw. the VIQ and
PIQ, the full scale score is not considered to be accurate. The bigger
the gap, the less reliable is the full scale score. The "true" IQ in
such cases is considered to be closer to the higher of the VIQ or PIQ

Therefore in a school situation, as regarding e.g. entrance into a
gifted program where there is a minimum IQ score required for admission,
and there is a large gap betw. VIQ and PIQ, it would be inappropriate to
use the full scale score when a large gap exists, but it would be
appropriate to use the higher of the two as the "true" IQ.


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08 Nov 2017, 8:39 pm

The kids who write in "kids crater" are probably "advanced" for their age. They have Asperger's, primarily. Sometimes, Asperger's is manifested by enhanced writing ability.

I was a very good reader and speller when I was very young--12th grade reading level in 6th grade----but my writing was probably "average," and it was sloppy.

The Marine Guy's posts are maybe better than mine sometimes LOL-----and I have a consistent IQ in the 110's.


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09 Nov 2017, 6:02 am

I wasn't able to really read until I turned 12. During the time I was 13, I read dozens of books and made thousands of posts on various forums.


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09 Nov 2017, 9:47 am

You had a veritable "explosion" at 13.

This can happen to autistic people when they're in the right environment.

I'm glad you had this "emergence."

You should read Piaget sometime, Ezra. He had interesting theories about cognition.

Last edited by kraftiekortie on 09 Nov 2017, 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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09 Nov 2017, 10:02 am

Well on the Stanford–Binet scale my IQ is 128 sooo not me though I do tend to act rather dumb at times sooo maybe?

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