kraftiekortie wrote:
WTF? A person with an IQ of 68 wouldn't be able to write your posts.
You should look up your Performance scores versus your Verbal scores. Frequently, people with autism spectrum disorders have scattered scores (e.g., very high Verbal scores in combination with very low Performance scores).
I once tested out at 150 Verbal, 90 performance.
Basically, what I'm saying is that your results are a prime example of what is wrong with IQ tests. I wonder if "motivation" played a role in your score. Or some sort of depression?
You don't think a ten year old can make posts online? Sure they can. We have even had kids that young posting here or young as eight. You might find more of them in the Kids Crater.
But any way my scores have always been the opposite. My performance score would be average (95-107) range and my verbal IQ score would be very low. That should indicate I was not intellectually impaired despite my overall IQ score. Then in 5th grade they were all close together all in the average range.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.