Do I like cats? DO I LIKE CATS?!?!?! I AM a cat! I LOVE cats!! ! Ugh, except annoying stupid little kittens... *picks up annoying kitten and starts kissing it and calling it cute*
Oh, ans Sean, I know you have already been cautioned against declawing, but let me add to it. Declawing is indeed the equivalent of ripping off our end knuckles. As it is hard to get all of the claw, many cats suffer from having new claws trying to pierce through, causing infections and other wonderful things. The wounds left by declawing are typically closed with a form of glue which usually doesn't hold fast, causing a large loss of blood. To top it all off, it is not at all uncommon for perfectly amicable, loving and affectionate cats to turn into vicious, attacking creatures, biting at any given chance. This is because the loss of claws leaves cats feeling vulnerable, resulting in their lashing out. This is a tragedy, as many of these animals wouldn't have even scratched their owners prior to the operation, but afterwards they become terrified and violent.
I am sure that you would never do such a thing intentionally, and it is just a travesty that people are so unaware of what the procedure involves and what the consequences are. If you are looking for a way to deal with clawed cats, there are several. Many cats can be kept inside to keep them from catching prey, you can have cat runs built (I wouldn't recommend it as they are so often too small) or CatMax enclosures built (these are like nets that encircle an area as big as your back yard and are 'cat proof'). A couple of bells on the collar also doesn't go astray! In terms of keeping cats friendly in the house, a scratching post with a bit of catnip does wonders. Claws can be trimmed and claw caps can be fitted. Personally, I wouldn't go to the effort. My 7 year old cat pretty much behaves inside, and hasn't caught prey in a while (we didn't think to keep her inside). Besides, humans have done far more harm to wildlife than she ever could! The kitten is a right royal brat who LIKES water, thus dismissing the punishment of being squirted. However, even she is settling down a bit. With a bit of entertainment and affection, cats shouldn't have a reason to be unduly naughty... although a bit of antics is in their genetic makeup!
Hope I helped!
...though fire may burn & flames envelop me, I will arise from the ashes...