atataxia wrote:
The phenomenon you’re observing is what I refer to as “living to die.” It sounds harsh, but the truth is that it’s the closest example that humans, read NT’s, are still just drooling animals. They like to dress it up when it suits them that they’re entitled to heaven or riches. But the facts show us that trillions of lives have come and gone without notice while those who are historically famous have lived.
There are lies that people tell to protect this sentimentality- that all life is precious. All people have a bit of good in them, you just have to find it. Heaven. God. Without these, regular people’s psychologies crumble. They realize they’re worthless and they give up being nice to other people, because there's no reward at the end. The curtain falls, the veneer drops on their true cruelty. It’s why we have so many anti-maskers right now. Facebook has shown that people are not connected to religions in the way they pretend to be out in public. I’ve heard dozens of people tell me they won’t wear masks because they believe God (always white God, btw) will protect them from the pandemic. Why them? What makes them special? Nothing. Just lies they tell themselves so they don’t fully grasp the horrors of their insignificance.
Me? I’m not special. But I spent my life learning about how to find hope without lying. I learned to live without the need to make others suffer through my negligence. And that includes what you’re talking about. Hobbies/ interests. I bring joy to others around me. I help them have as much fun as possible. I tell religious people that they will never get me to believe, but that I will never make them stop.
I did a research project at the start of Trump’s “kids in cages” campaign (still going btw). I learned about two studies that showed people with no fun in their lives become conservative over time. The first study demonstrated that conservatives given a choice between invisibility (read protection) and flight (read fun) answered a series of political questions more conservative or more liberal respectively afterwards. The idea they needed protection drove them deeper in their conservative responses (all subjects already identified as conservative). The idea they were free drove them more answer more liberally.
The second research paper was about playgrounds in Europe adding danger to reduce accidents. They found that fun being had with a little danger helped decrease schoolyard accidents when compared to over-engineered “safety” playgrounds. It is in the nature of people to explore, particularly at a young age. Curbing that, draining fun for safety, has an adverse effect on how children navigate those playgrounds. Their curiosity is not quenched, and they outwit the safety protocols. This leads to worse, more deadly and dangerous accidents. And that’s not my opinion. It’s what the researchers were observing.
So, I studied republicans versus democrats lifestyles within the US and found that on the whole, both parties were a bunch of safety blanket cuddling as*holes. The reason the two parties are so alike is because they’re both riddled with secretly ultra-conservative acting, unfun jerks vying for power, not change. You can see this in how Mitch McConnell completely copied and replaced Harry Reid. Reid taught McConnell as an understudy, did everything McConnell is doing. For example, delivered a party line vote not to impeach Clinton. Frankly, after #metoo, we all now know that Bill was a total piece of s**t. And that’s fine, apparently the dems of this day don’t remember how they helped build a Republican hatred of them by letting their morals slide on that one. Anyway.
Have fun. Be responsible. Enjoy a little bit of danger. And travel. You’re guaranteed not to be an old, crotchety, boring as*hole if you follow those guidelines.
Oh, and ps, anyone reading this who disagrees and is incensed by the accusation they are conservative because they don’t have enough fun, suck it. You have no idea how much fun you’re missing. Don’t @ me.
when I first read the title I was thinking exactly this whole idea of sanctity and holier-than-thou attitude insecure Ds have.
Im currently in emotional insomnia due to an encounter of such a creature.
My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. x
Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.