Ever since I was 7 or so I've known I was different to the other kids, just couldn't tell why, I guess I didn't fully understood it yet. After many years in therapy were I was asked constantly about making friend and such without me understanding why (as I was more than happy not talking to any of those jer** of classmates that I had), finally at age 15 a substitute psychologist said the magical word: ASPERGER
I think it was my mother who did all she could zo nobody told me, as she needed some extra 6 or 7 years to even accepting it) despite "being in my expedient since forever ago".
To me it was a relief, FINALLY I could relate to something, I felt so identified, everything clicked into place and when I had any doubt, I was done looking for "NT answers" if that makes sense.
As unsure as I am, it took me years to clear all doubts about being aspie, but it wasn't denial but rather was fear of NOT being aspie. Glad I cleared all doubts now, but then again, never denied, doubted because that's how I roll.