Twilightprincess wrote:
I had to quit reading novels that I was enjoying because I found them too upsetting. I can’t watch horror movies, either, or anything that features torture or any devastating situation, really.
I’ve tried to desensitize myself but to no avail. It used to be very frustrating, but I’m used to it these days. When I was a teenager, I went to see a movie with my friends and found it so upsetting I had to leave and sit in the hallway until it was over. Talk about embarrassing!
I think I have easier time compartmentalizing my own experience than that of other people…even if they’re fictional.
I think we shouldn't desensitize ourselves, we've only got one life so we should try and enjoy it how we like. I'm tired of trying to fit in with people who like violence. If I wanted to see violence I could just watch the news.
Oh once I went with a Meetup group of people I didn't know to see a film. Can't remember what but it was cancelled so they wanted to go and see 'The Lovely Bones' about a teenage girl who gets murdered. Why on earth would anyone want to see that? I point blank refused, even though they tried to persuade me. I knew it would give me nightmares. I said I was happy to sit and wait outside while they watched the film but they didn't want to leave me out so we went to watch a comedy instead.
Is this an autism thing that we can't detach and separate reality from fiction/news?
I identify strongly with a Highly Sensitive Person, they don't like interacting with violent or upsetting experiences either.
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.