Hey, this is interesting to see an old corpse resurrected .
I will try and explain what happened....
I was obsessed with these magazine for several months but hit a brick wall called "cat herding" issues . I was working with Inventor on this and we simply had to different concepts of the direction of the magazine . He wanted to market it and target it to high functioning aspies...people who were successful professional but just had social issues and confusion about
why they were "different" . I wanted it to reflect the full spectrum , including the less functional . I think our personally visions were based on our own experiences with AS...I am lower functioning then him and have major organizational and executive function problems. I did set up the original web-site on Moli.com and no one showed up to submit articles or offer help with editing and logistics and I knew I could not do it on my own .
When I understood that Inventor, the publisher and printer of the magazine did not want to play the game my way....I packed up my toys and went home ....how aspie . Then I got obsessed with starting a business selling my crafts items...something that has always interested me and forgot about the magazine . I also found out there is a web-site magazine for and by aspies, so I figured, "oh...it's being done" .
So....anyone still interested in this....it's a free world and I am not offended, (would be honored), if you continue the idea . I still want to see this happen and would subscribe myself if I can afford it . We still need a voice and you can contact Inventor and see if he is still interested in working on the plan . He does do some amazing printing and we are still friends working on other projects together...I highly recommend him as a business partner and a human being, (though his humor is often misunderstood, I find him one of the funniest humans I know . )
Wishing you all luck and hope you get this off the ground !
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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