I'm not interested in a cure. I was never interested in a cure. I will never be interested in a cure. I am not broken, I was never broken and I never will be broken. So what, if I'm more like Sid than Einstein? That doesn't make me less of a person, and Sid knows a toilet when he sees one, thank you, very much, just like I know a toilet, when I see one. Not all the women in the world, are perfect super models, who have perfect sphincter control. Having such problems does not make me defective. I will not be drilled to "act normal" and cattle prodded by an ABA therapist, when I refuse to obey his orders. I will not be turned into a compliant sheeple. I also refuse to be a sexy female NT bimbo who only talks about clothes, guys and make-up. Sid says "Jump!", you ask, "How high?"
The Family Enigma