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08 Nov 2007, 2:44 am

Personally I think life and learning is the best medication of all.

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Tufted Titmouse
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08 Nov 2007, 4:26 am

I used to do Zoloft and Lexapro for depression, but neither helped. To be honest, I think my "depression" was just a natural emotional response to having no life and hardly any friends - it was a consequence of my circumstances.

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08 Nov 2007, 3:55 pm

I self-medicated because I wasn't diagnosed for a very long time. Then I found natural help and have a great way to let go of stuff, especially anger. I do a daily treatment and that's great.


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08 Nov 2007, 5:51 pm

I don't take psych meds or meds for anything AS-related.


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08 Nov 2007, 8:42 pm

AS is not an illness, so no need to "medicate" it.

My regular fitness routine is great for handling negatively obsessive thoughts. It costs nothing but an hour of my time every couple of days and keeps me physically fit as well. I laugh in the face of psychiatry - bunch of quacks, they are.

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Snowy Owl
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09 Nov 2007, 3:03 am

Zwerfbeertje wrote:
Haven't used any psychoactive meds, other then the recreational drugs like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and thc.

moo_cow wrote:
Where did you read that antipsychotics cause brain damage? I'd like to know about that.

How does tardive dyskinesia sound?

Antipsychotics also permanently change the brain chemistry leading to psychoses

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09 Nov 2007, 3:16 am

I don't take any medication, I avoid it unless it's something necessary for my physical health (such as painkillers for intolerable pain).

However, in the past I have taken:

Gingko Bilboa tablets (for memory problems, the stuff never worked for me)
Zoloft (Felt more like a placebo that just killed my emotions, very glad to be off them but I still have alot of depression trouble and I can't weep when I really need to)
Garlic Tablets (can't remember what this was for)
Centrum (harmless test to see if it made any difference, it didn't)

My personal experience is that medications only seemed to work on physical conditions, not neurological/emotional/psychological conditions... So I refuse to take anything that isn't for treating the former. Though, if I ever do end up having a seizure or schizophrenia condition, I dare not refuse to take the correct medications for them. I'm not a person who thinks only in extremes. :lol:

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09 Nov 2007, 3:29 am

I try to avoid all drugs and artificial substances because they react badly in my body. Psychoactive are the worst, causing indiosyncratic reactions like hallucinations and being knocked out 4 days by one Rispiridol. I have had CPR twice from drugs given after begging not to be drugged. Only one drug to help mood was Nardil and the next doctor wouldn't let me take it when they found out. It caused hypertension anyhow.

I don't even like vitamins and they throw the body out of balance if not taken as part of a whole food. However, I am taking Mg and B 100 temporarily on chiropractor's orders after an MVA and Cognitive Aminio that markedly help my mental function. Even took some muscle relaxants and meclizine for intractible diplopia and vertigo. These symptoms are still distressing, but don't take the stuff after first few days.

Each person must decide risks and side effects versus benefits and do what is best for them. I don't belive in forced drugging and erasing brains with ECT by force. People who are able to state their wishes should be allowed to follow them unless they are to stop violent crimilnal behavior. Not bothersome stuff that harms no one.

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09 Nov 2007, 3:35 am

for past 4 years, I have been focused on Essential Oils and use them to improve health, mood and environment

Tufted Titmouse
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09 Nov 2007, 5:23 pm

Am experiencing my first winter without Seroxat (SSRI) for about 5 years :-/

Was initially treated at age 9 with Phenobarbitone (barbiturate ~ now banned) and then from age 18 onward by Nardil (MAOIR), tricyclic anti-depressants, Stelazine and Valium at irregular intervals. abused all of them if possible mixed with alcohol and/or street drugs then age 42 just took Seroxat for a couple of years, had a break, for 5 years and then took 18 months to come back off it. I do not intend to ever (EVER!) go back on it/them.

The whole drug saga has been a disaster - the first incident left me mortally depressed for my entire childhood and prey to abusing any drug i could lay my hands on.

I am now 48 and psycho-active drug free (OK caffeine and alcohol in moderation). I have cholesterol and blood pressure meds and that is it. I use buddhist mindfulness practices and a modertae life to keep myself healthy.

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09 Nov 2007, 6:13 pm

I don't think medication would solve whatever the problem is that I have.....but I am initially confused as to what the problem is?

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09 Nov 2007, 10:10 pm

Flismflop wrote:
AS is not an illness, so no need to "medicate" it.

That is true, but sometimes there are other conditions that are a consequence of AS (Anxiety, Depression) that need to be treated with medication.

I've been on SSRI's for two years. They certainly don't solve everything, but I sure feel a lot better on them than off!

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10 Nov 2007, 5:47 am

I even avoid antibiotics as far as possible. I take some nutrition-supplements, but it takes quite a pain to make me use aspirin.

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10 Nov 2007, 2:24 pm

I'm not on medication and haven't been since I was seventeen.