sinsboldly wrote:
Whisperer wrote:
Panzyo wrote:
Phagocyte wrote:
Well, maybe you genuinely don't have it.
Ever since I started coming to this board, I've seen bunches of threads about how psychologists have refused to give someone an Asperger's diagnosis.
Just because you don't get the diagnosis you want doesn't mean the psychologist is wrong or unprofessional. I guarantee that if you go to enough psychologists you'll eventually get the diagnosis you want, whether you really have it or not.
Again, not trying to sound mean, but think about those things before you get up-in-arms over not getting the diagnosis you want.
Not trying to be mean. Seriously, I can't stress that enough. I find it funny that someone would actually
want to be diagnosed an impairment.
I, myself, dread the day some shrink decides to give me a f***ing label like this.
People need to admit AS is a sketchy concept - even more so as people try to re-define it and exploit it - and therefore not put much hopes into understanding and gauging their own identity from that perspective.
It doesn't seem like any of this will ever consolidate into anything serious so it'll probably fade into the background with the emergence of the next dx fad and so on. . .
I am truly glad you are not affected by AS, Whisperer, and can toss it all aside so casually. Unfortunately for many of us we can not, as it is with us for life. So when you go on to the next fad, we will still be perseverating on our compulsive-obsessive need to think we have this f****ing label.
I understand EXACTLY where Whisperer is coming from. He's right. I wish AS WERE more meaningful, etc....
As for me, I identify with a lot of it. Not ALL, but a lot. I WOULD be miffed if I went and they disregarded my having AS. Still, if s/he could give me a reasonable reason, I would grudgingly accept it. Of course, talking to me for 30 minutes or less might not do it.
I won't necessarily stim, and they are subtle. Besides, my most obvious stim seems to indicate GREAT coordination, even though it almost started as a way to try to gain coordination that didn't work. 8-( I probably wouldn't have a meltdown. I can seem a bit social. I can seem to do small talk, and even joke. I probably know over 10 jokes I can fit in, and I can make observances, etc... that can be funny. I may not ramble, interrupt, etc... I have had over 35 years to learn to hide many of the symptoms. All of the above hidden symptoms WILL show up eventually, but maybe not in 30 minutes.
Frankly, if they found out there WAS a difference in the brain that could be viewed in a definitive and non-invasive way, I would do it TOMORROW! If I ran into problems with my job that were arbitrary, and based on it, I would get diagnosed. Otherwise, the only reason is for curiousity and acceptance by some here that insist. That is probably not worth the price.
I do find it funny that some just go and go and go to get the diagnosis they want. I never liked psychiatrists anyway.