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22 Mar 2008, 6:33 am

Ok, I won't get into why I think religion SHOULDN'T be banned. (yes I am a Jesus Freak and you can't stop me, so there! :P So, in the spirit of fun:
Pit bulls (do we really need dogs this vicious?)
Religious intolerance
G4TV (the worst network EVER!)
brussel sprouts

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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22 Mar 2008, 9:23 am

Pit bulls are in no way more "vicious" than the next dog, it is the people who buy them with the desire to own a vicious dog that cause the problem. Keep your dog in a fence or on a leash no matter how sweet it is and there will be no problems, many dog breeds are involved in human fatalities each year.


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22 Mar 2008, 9:39 am

I would ban people who ban religion.
I would ban pedophilia by penalty of death,

And i would ban abusers by penalty of death.

I would also ban onions.and mushrooms. :x

i friggin' hate those things.

The last thing i would ban is rich people like Paris Hilton. :twisted:

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(¸.?´ (¸.?´ .?´ ¸¸.?¨¯`?.


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22 Mar 2008, 10:25 am

people who make any sort of poop joke about the planet Uranus
G4TV, but it should be required to revert back to TechTV and rehire Martin Sargent and Leo LaPorte. They can keep showing Ninja Warrior and Arrested Development of course, but any non-"X-Play" or "AOTS" programming will be expurgated.
Werewolves vs. Vampires, Pirates vs. Ninjas and any other "vs." app on Facebook
talking/screaming smiley ads on the bottom of WrongPlanet. Yes, the one that screams "NO WAY!". This has to be some sort of sick joke by the company who makes these, as no Aspie would ever want one of these.
Bill O'Reilly
the Jitterbug cell phone
the little green moped/sidecar thingies tourist ride around in during the summer in my hometown of Newport
and to that extent, tourists who don't understand that in Rhode Island, a yellow light means "go faster"
PBS Telethons. Well, actually not altogether. PBS members like myself should have some sort of option to watch the premium programming PBS only drags out during telethon time without the telethon taking up 50% of the program.
a ban on con-artists like from advertising on TV.
Pop up ads for pop up blockers
"Two and a Half Men"
The continuous ramming-down-the-throat of soccer on the American public by MLS and everyone else in the world. Not even David Beckham can help the sport.

here be dragons


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22 Mar 2008, 10:57 am

MissConstrue wrote:
The Right to Bare Arms. I seriously think violence would dramatically cut down. Majority of guns used for violence dramatically outnumber guns that are used for protection if you look at the percentages of gun incidents. Take for example the young guy that shot most of his victims at that college. They were randomly and automatically shot. How the hell did he get his hands on an automatic and why would anyone need an automatic besides the military?

Doesn't take a geni to know that this here ain't no hunt'n gun.

I do know that ppl sure luv their guns.

I DISAGREE IF YOU TAKE AWAY GUNS PEOPLE WILL JUST FIND ANOTHER WAY TO KILL EACH OTHER ! I live in Littleton Colorado home of the infamous Columbine "tragidy" i got blamed for being part of thye shooting only for the simple fact that i lived in Littleton was in high school and owned guns! Its not my fault that idots get guns and kill people but what the honest crime free gun collector like me? Why should i not be alowd to own guns because of a few A**holes?



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22 Mar 2008, 3:41 pm

blue_bean wrote:
Interest rates
Good one.
People over 60 in the workforce
Not unless youd want an influx of homeless.


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22 Mar 2008, 4:32 pm

Militant vegans and vegatarians

Yes, I know those animals aren't treated right, but I enjoy a decent steak or crappy hot dog once in a while.

Anyone on an anti-smoking rampage

It's my body, let me crap up my lungs if I feel like I need to. Something is gonna kill me, might as well be cigarettes.

Fashion police

As if what everyone else is wearing doesn't look ridiculous. At least I'm fully clothed. 8)

Rental properties

Everyone should be given a chance to own their own home, not spend their lives renting off of some greedy butthead who is more concerned about making easy money.


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22 Mar 2008, 5:33 pm

One thing.



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22 Mar 2008, 6:23 pm

-Vorzac- wrote:
One thing.


Same here. If there's anyone I have a grudge against, you guessed it.

I'd ban sh***y customer service. No company works hard enough to hire only the right employees with the job of working with the public.

I love WP's color scheme. Green is awesome when you're blue!

Sea Gull
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22 Mar 2008, 6:28 pm

Why has noone said the mosquito device yet? Or did someone and I just miss it?

-Low pants to the point where other people can see your underwear
-Cars/Motorcycles without mufflers
-Giving some idiot a gun and badge if they are going to look the other way half the time someone breaks a law


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22 Mar 2008, 6:36 pm


I love WP's color scheme. Green is awesome when you're blue!


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22 Mar 2008, 6:53 pm

Golf Courses and the Yuppies who use them.

And Religion again.


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22 Mar 2008, 7:54 pm

2ukenkerl wrote:
I would bn paying people to do NOTHING! That INCLUDES "teachers" that are simply baby sitters or teach "art", etc...

I would ban the misconception that teachers are essentially high-end baby-sitters who only work 8-3pm and get two months vacation......says a future special ed teacher.

I'm doing 30 hours of field observation this semester and the things teachers have to go through would traumatize Freddy Krueger. And if you want to work your butt off like you've never done in your entire existence, become a teacher.

"There is difference and there is power. And who holds the power decides the meaning of the difference." --June Jordan


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22 Mar 2008, 8:32 pm

Averick wrote:
Golf Courses and the Yuppies who use them.

I'd ban Yuppies.

I'd gladly forfeit that which is Yuppie in me if it is for the greater good. :lol:
(if it, for example, means not having to share my grad school classes with 40 clones of the American Psycho guy.)

Last edited by Whisperer on 22 Mar 2008, 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Mar 2008, 9:31 pm

I'd like to ban the bomb.

The Family Enigma


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22 Mar 2008, 9:47 pm

Molestors and verbal abuse should have much harsher punishment comparing the emotional damage they cause!