Michigan has the highest unemployment rates in the country, so you can guess where I stand
Every time I go job hunting, the only things out there are RN and driving jobs...the only jobs I've had were ones that didn't require an interview...had one as a telemarketer, but I couldn't stand all of the lying to people and taking their money...the other job was with my friends doing third shift, which was great, except there was WAY too much multitasking, dust, paper, and NOISE.
It was cool that I could just hang with my friends, work at my own pace, and listen to music...but dang, those other things really got to me =/ Not to mention, there were way too many things there for me to hurt myself on (and I took every chance I got, it seems).
Really need to find something soon, I got so used to having money and being able to buy things, that the urge is still there Bank account's getting a bit low =/ I don't even care if it's part time and minimum wage, but there's just nothing out there at all (especially after weeding out the one or two jobs that will overstim me).