Stupid autism and aspergers myths/stereotypes

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13 Sep 2008, 12:36 pm

Warsie wrote:
it gets better!

Xpenguin17 wrote:
Now I remember you. You're that rarebreed chan n***a that wrote that microdot-induced story about 1336 hackers slinging Hello kitties at 1337 hackers from Roflcopters.

Anyway, Supermax ain't that bad compared to what he'll face in the general population. Asspies don't end up in the Supermax anyhow, real hackers like Kevin Mitnick do. And no reluctant ass gets raped in prison, thats a myth.

Yeah, programming and system analysts/admins; not hackers. Programming is a labor, not much intelligence/skill involved as most people think. It's like writing an essay, your boss gives you a topic and you write 2 pages. Only Asspies don't find repetitive BS tasks as nauseating as more neurotypical mofos would. It's a pretty ball-less career; hacking is much more.

Experience. They can't do sh** without hand-holding, lack basic common sense and were predisposed to be weak pathetic f**** from the start. Hell, my stepdad is one of 'em. And that some utter f***ing SCUZZARD was actually able to get into my head is one of the few things I can scarcely admit. No purpose other than obsession, and he still continues to stalk me and a few buds like that Mark Chapman freak, despite how many times I pile-drove a hole thru that sick Motherf***er's chest.

Aight, lemme rephrase that in a way you might follow. Neurotypical people have equally distributed cerebral wiring, wheras severely autistic people (those that drool and piss themselves) have the wiring concentrated on one spot. Higher functioning ones have more wiring on the higher region of the brain responsible for logic and critical thought and little or no in the middle and back brain hence no emotion or common sense.

An asspie's thought processing is f**** up and rigid. Instead of the normal way most people familiarize and instinctually accustom to their environment and situation, asspies just have everything stored in logical memory and recall it at the given time. Meaning EVERYTHING they do they have to actually apply critical thought, even the most basic imaginable sh**. Akin to a thoughtless robot, and what does a computer do when it continuously keeps processing more than it can handle? It locks up.

They're just f***ing freaks. Whatever they are, they ain't human. Just pure, ungenuine understanding, no comprehension beyond the rigid meaning of a word, no emotional capacity. And the only occasion they'd ever display emotion is for their own gain.

Just think about what'll happen if these mentally challenged freaks are allowed to raise children...

I wouldn't analyze my own head too much when it's damaged in the first place.

Actually, I'm being unfair. For starters, Aspergers is a behavior, not a disorder, and are the products of severely f**** American parents who hire the TV/video games to raise their children for them and ahve the perfect excuse if their kids grow up to be f**** up individuals without the basic development skills. ([highlight]Aint my fault yo, it's these damn violent video games that desensitized my kids and robbed them of their conscience![/highlight])

When this became prominent at the beginning of the decade, the Docs had a perfect cesspool of f**** and ret*ds to exploit for cash. They give a fringe diagnosis to the young f****, breed more f**** and encourage 'em to keep acting like f**** and in the end, the f**** can claim disability pension and basically become welfare pimps, because lacking will to step outside your door and just play video games all day somehow classifies as an "illness." Docs rake in a shedload of money, and so do the asspies, and the parents are free from all responsibility of raising a freak, so everyone wins in the end.

It's just another visible failure of a capitalistic society and the epitome of child prejudice.

In conclusion, asspies aren't really born asspies and ain't their fault they're f**** up. The perfect American democratic system just finds a way to justify it's citizen's dipshittery and blame the children for everything.

And one more thing: there's a partial cure. Oxy. A couple months ago I met up with an old pal of mine (only asspie I've known that ain't a complete jackmaster) who recently started takin hits, and his speech became visibly more human than the usual robotic tone he bullshits about random topics in. He may even get laid sometime, but he's still in the camsex stage. Personally, I would've kept dismissing it as peanut-butter crank if JoePedo didn't describe it so vividly to me in some thread I can't recall. So I owe this one to him. Oxy is f***ing good sh**.

So, SWF, it ain't too late to improve, reclaim your humanity and be someone.

Nah, I don't do e-thuggin anymore, it gets boring. I already tore 3 of 'em new as*holes that they started shaving their legs and wearing makeup.

EDIT: helped with some formatting problems.

EDIT 2; not so good I see. also see the thread I linked to on the last page lol; same one.

I think I can match this Warsie: Check this group out that some idiot started on Facebook (the same idiot who wrote about autism in the Encyclopedia Dramatica)

Protection Force for Young Females from Autism

Too much of what people hear on the news and on the internet about Autism is biased positive information created by the lovers of Autistic people to try to create Autism awareness with the sole intention of giving the Autistic people a special place in normal society. These people who are promoting "Autism awareness" are not giving the complete picture; the purpose of this group is to provide that picture and protect the innocent.

:roll: Protect the innocent from what? :roll:

Autism is a disease that affects almost entirely boys; one theory for this is that Autism is an "extreme male mind." Autistic boys are apethetic and are unable to know how another person feels, or will feel. They also become very distressed if they do not get their way. This could be somthing like a minor violation of their strict rutine, the birth of a sister, a haircut, or failure for another person to make a decision that the Autistic boy agrees with.

Part of the problem with the intense reaction to a dicision that the Autistic boy does not agree with is their need for control and lack of empathy. How can a person accept a decision different from their own if they cannot imagine that other people have thoughts different from their own?

Finally, Autistic boys often use and threaten violence as a way of expressing their frustrutation because they have great difficulty in expressing their feelings to other people in meaningful ways. To review the elements of the Autistic boy, they cannot empathize, imagine that other people have views different from their own, require a rigidly structured enviornment and become very distressed if anyone disturbs it, and frequently resort to violence. If this isn't enough, Autistic boys are extremely impulsive....... ... 0379907381

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13 Sep 2008, 1:39 pm

Warsie wrote:
it gets better!

Xpenguin17 wrote:

They're just f***ing freaks. Whatever they are, they ain't human. Just pure, ungenuine understanding, no comprehension beyond the rigid meaning of a word, no emotional capacity. And the only occasion they'd ever display emotion is for their own gain.

Just think about what'll happen if these mentally challenged freaks are allowed to raise children...

EDIT: helped with some formatting problems.

EDIT 2; not so good I see. also see the thread I linked to on the last page lol; same one.

I really feel sorry for this ignorant a**hole. Just hope and pray less and less people will be influenced by idiots like him. And yes I did the unthinkable! I had kids!! And what on earth could happen now? Whats going to happen to my poor children given the fact that they are raised by an autistic mother? Whats going to happen is that both of my kids are going to turn out to be well rounded and successful individuals (and yes that even goes for my son under the spectrum) AND I can bet they'll do much better than whatever offspring he may produce.

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16 Sep 2008, 12:44 am

Lack of self-awareness.

Lack of ability to lie or deceive.

Evolved differently.

Not interested in people.

Geeky/Must personally identify with Dr. Spock/Must act like Dr. Spock.

Thinking in Pictures/Thinking like an animal/Thinking like a cow.

Must be incredibly interested in knowing the details about someone else's relatives with disorder. Having autism means you're more than eager to find out more about members of your 'kind' from people you don't even know that much about personally, much less give a damn about. Assumption that they must automatically 'know you' because they have friends or relatives with it. Sometimes followed with condescending smiles and/or inappropriate personal questions that for some reason you must be very eager to answer.

Love of coding and software. Natural hacker.

Super organized.


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06 Nov 2015, 5:33 pm

"you don't look like you have autism"

I guess I should take that as a compliment? :|