I began taking 10mg. of Prozac (fluoxetine) an SSRI antidepressant in 1993, for major depression. I was very hesitant to begin using medication, and expressed my hesitancy to the psychiatrist. She said Prozac had "no side effects". Even in my severely depressed state, I laughed, and said "yes it does, you just don't know what they are. In 10 years the scientific journals will have numerous articles on the side effects of fluoxetine." She ruefully agreed with me. Today the side effects of Prozac are well known.
I constantly looked into ways of managing the depression without reliance on the Prozac. When the Prozac "pooped out" (actual psychiatric term) after 10 years of usage, I then began a 2 year merry-go-round of medications which included Cymbalta, Effexor, Zoloft, Lithium, Lamictal, Zyprexa, and Wellbutrin. In 2006 I discontinued all medications.
I have stabilized using common sense, acceptance of my sensory sensitivities and accommodation of my need for a low sensory stimuli environment.
I have for decades maintained a caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol free lifestyle. In addition I have adhered to a simple diet of lean meats, vegetables, very few carbohydrates, and even fewer desserts.
I take no medications.
I prefer to rely on nutritional supplements for keeping relaxed and sleeping well. I have found 1500mg. of Calcium with 600mg. of Magnesium plus 600IU Vit.D keeps me rested and relaxed.
I also take Vit. E (30IU) with mixed Tocopherols (434mg).
Depression is my main mood fluctuating challenge. I live in the American Midwest where wintertime significantly reduces sunlight from early November until April. As the days shorten, my depression increases. I have found that full spectrum light bulbs offset the plummeting depression I feel in the wintertime. I even sleep with these light bulbs above my head (light can penetrate the eyelids) when the depression is especially severe.
In the 1980's I thoroughly researched and studied how the body works, and what nutritional supports it needs to function at optimal health. Since that time, much has become widely known and accepted regarding the role of vitamins and minerals needed for improving and maintaining good health. What is not widely accepted is that all medications have side effects, some are short term effects, some are long term effects. Since the benefit of the medication is immediately apparent, the deleterious side effects often don't become obvious until years later.
I have chosen to eschew the medicine approach to my health needs, in favor of a more holistic health regimen. I consider all medications as something for short term usage, while I figure out the best long term approach to the problem.
"Dogs have owners, Cats have staff"
Aspie Score: 137 out of 200
Neurotypical Score: 67 out of 200
Diagnosed "genuis, borderline autism" at the age of 24 months
Level 1 Autism DSM-V