quirky wrote:
It's clearly mostly genetic, as it runs in families, and even if it was triggered by something like vaccines, there would have to be a genetic component to trigger, as millions of kids get vaccines and only a small amount of them are autistic. I definitely think it's mostly genetic, but maybe some kids have a predisposition that is triggered by environmental factors. I feel like it's less likely to be vaccines though, or that would have been proven. Maybe the stuff we put in our food nowadays? It seems like more an dmore kids are autistic and there must be a reason. What's really strange to me is the kids who develop normally and then suddenly develop autistic symptoms - that's very strange, that a brain could suddenly rewire itself to behave incorrectly. Autism is a mystery, mainly because it's not any one thing, but a set of little things that may or may not go wrong with the brain, forming a pattern of symptoms of varying severity. I'ts so hard to pinpoint because it's not a 'set' syndrome where it's clear which gene had an issue and what will go wrong an dwhat the symptoms will be.
Actually, that type of Autism is known - CDD, Childhood Degenerative Disease.
My brother was such - he had to learn to speak twice. As for chemical additives in food: they are less now than earlier, awareness is simply higher. Unfortunately, uneducated celebrities misrepresent that minority...
I know CDD exists - I was just saying that's what puzzles me the most. It's one thing to be born with a 'different' brain, it's another to have a seemingly normal one that suddenly deteriorates - this seems more environmental, but certainly may not be. This kid of autism may be completely different from autism kids seem to have from infancy.