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15 Jan 2011, 3:29 pm

I do not talk to myself but if I did and someone asked me about it or made fun of me for it I would tell them. "I am talking to myself only because I wanted someone to talk to of intelligence and you no way fit that description." :P :twisted:

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15 Jan 2011, 9:08 pm

I have imaginary friends and I talk to them sometimes. I only do it when I'm in the shower or lying in bed, or if I'm home alone. I even voice their responses back to myself so it feels a little more two-way. However, I realize that they don't really exist and that I'm essentially just talking to myself.


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15 Jan 2011, 9:13 pm

I constantly have conversations in my head with people that I wished I had actually done in a certain time and place instead of standing stupidly and being unable to respond. I hate having such a slow reaction to everything that happens around me. Sometimes it takes me years to finally figure out what it was that I should've said or done in a particular situation.

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16 Jan 2011, 3:59 am

I Always Do This Too I Always Just Thought I Was Going Mad, I Am Glad I Am Not The Only One.


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16 Jan 2011, 4:02 am

I absolutely do this, basically as practice or rehearsal for when I'm talking to people IRL (or online).

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16 Jan 2011, 1:10 pm

raisedbyignorance wrote:
Sometimes it takes me years to finally figure out what it was that I should've said or done in a particular situation.
That sounds like the story of my life.


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16 Jan 2011, 2:19 pm

I have always done this. Most commonly, someone I fancy or who I think understands me and the usual topic is things that have happened in my past, particularly during the times I was depressed. I think that probably it is a way of trying to get to grip with these things and make some sense out of them. It happens most commonly when I am in bed but my mind is too active to sleep, and the 'listener' doesn't really say much, it is just me talking.

More recently, the chosen people have been people I actually speak to in real life relatively often (when I was younger I had more problems speaking to anyone I found interesting), which can make me confused with what I have really said to them, what I have imagined saying and what I have dreamt (I have very realistic dreams fairly frequently). It is really strange finally saying things to someone that you have imagined saying over and over again - this happened recently and I started feeling as though everything was unreal (sometimes it can even make me feel as though I am controlling reality if things happen the way I have imagined so frequently).

My general experience of saying things I have imagined saying to someone for years is one of disappointment and not catharsis at all. In fact it brought everything up to the surface again for several days. I think it is my way of dealing with stressful events and in fact maybe the only way I can deal with them - repetitively go over and over the same things again and again in my head until I get so bored and fed up of them that they no longer traumatise me.


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16 Jan 2011, 3:58 pm

Okay, I just need to ask: a related thing, but different.

While in conversations with other people, does anyone have the problem that they "think" the response to what the other person asked/said- but didn´t actually say it?

I´ve been noticing lately, that sometimes I get so introverted and inside my own head, that physically responding to people can be difficult. It´s as if my energy is way inside myself....and I hear the person´s voice as if from far away.....and I´ll think an answer/response, in my head, but not vocalize it. Sometimes I´ll think I answered them, until I hear them asking the question again, at which I realize I need to answer. Other times, I realize I didn´t actually say it, and in order to "come outside myself", it feels like I have to pull my energy, from deep within, to come out of myself and connect with my voice. Don´t know if I´m even making sense at all.....

Does anyone else have this?

This was so extreme with me today, that, when calling my Dad, I thought in my head "hello Dad" when the pone line connected....but hadn´t actually said it. It took energy to pull myself out of my introversion, to be able to speak.

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16 Jan 2011, 4:11 pm

I have a little of what Morgana describes.

And sometimes I can't remember how many times
I've said something or who I've said it to.
I'm afraid of repeating myself, so I tend to err of the side of not talking.

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16 Jan 2011, 6:50 pm

zeichner wrote:
I have entire conversations with people in my head - but they are people I actually know & plan to talk with. The conversations are sort of "practice" for the real thing - but I do have rather extended debates with these people inside my head. :)

It allows me to sort of blow off steam for when I actually can talk with them in real life. I picture their reactions to things I might otherwise just blurt out in a conversation.

I'm naturally a very visual thinker, but I've had many years to practice translating the pictures in my head into words. I think these conversations are part of the translation process - sort of the way you would use a spell checker in a word processor, except this is more of a "sense checker" - to see if the words make sense.

I do this too all the time. I also will have one sided debates with myself sometimes.


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16 Jan 2011, 7:15 pm

I was just having a telepathic conversation with Pete Quaife as I stumbled acrossed this thread. I have lots of conversations with a lot of people in my head.

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16 Jan 2011, 7:48 pm

I do it too. Isn't this the same as the imaginary world thing? I never tell anyone about it, because it's difficult to explain it without sounding nuts, even though, like everyone else, there is absolutely no blurring between imagination and reality. I'm glad you guys understand. :-)


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16 Jan 2011, 7:49 pm

Zen wrote:
I do it too. Isn't this the same as the imaginary world thing? I never tell anyone about it, because it's difficult to explain it without sounding nuts, even though, like everyone else, there is absolutely no blurring between imagination and reality. I'm glad you guys understand. :-)

I was thinking this as well.

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16 Jan 2011, 8:24 pm

Yes, I do that and I always thought I was crazy or had multiple people in me. I believe it is kind of a practice for when we deal with people socially. A warm-up per say.
I'm glad that other people do it too. :D

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16 Jan 2011, 9:03 pm

Guilty as charge with this one, I talk to people in my head. But I don't like sounding crazy so I don't explain it.


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17 Jan 2011, 1:55 am

conversations in advance? Oh yeah my brain does that to me all the time.