Claradoon wrote:
As far as keeping the Nazi research, was it done with the scientific method? Control groups, double blind etc.? I didn't think so.
A good deal of research was carried out "properly", aside from being inhumane.
Magnus wrote:
It wasn't just pseudoscience.
The believe that people of Northern European ancestry are inherently superior to other people is pseudoscience.
I'm not saying the research carried out by the Nazis was all pseudoscience, as much of it wasn't; I'm saying the "science" of "race" is a pseudoscience.
Magnus wrote:
The Nazis hated the Jews because they were intelligent problem solvers who were a threat to them.
The Nazis did not hate the Jews for any logical reason.
Magnus wrote:
The Jews tend to take over markets because they can figure things out, see the big picture, and they also tend to be more radical in their politics. It's a fact that they tend to be more liberal in their views. Some say they are clever like in an evil sense, but I find those traits admirable.
This is all racist nonsense.