Maybe there is a better term for the OPs concept. I know the girl he was talking to used conservative, but thats so muddied up in politics, religion and fiscal matters.
We are speaking of living an etiquette lifestyle. Etiquettal? Can that be a word?
Perhaps its an ethical/reciprocal lifestyle.
I'm about 220 pounds, male and six feet tall. In my work I was carrying some cases of cola and snacks. I reached a door and this lady came running, "Let me get that for you!". She ran more than 20 feet to catch up with me. Just a tiny little thing.
She didnt need to do that, but she did, and it made me feel special. And besides the fact that she was petite and cute, it made her special in my eyes. I'll be looking for a chance to do a kindness for her.
Doesnt that transcend liberalism and conservatism altogether?
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.