NLD Information and Support Thread
at an aspie meetup I went to someone from Texas said one could get a free diagnosis from the school district. then someone else told me that wasn't the case in CA where I live. Check to see if a school district around you does it. not sure of the rest like if they dx nld but I'm guessing you could at least get a dx for individual problems.
All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.
-HL Mencken
-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD
I shd check the schools. I know I can get one from a psychiatrist at about 400- 600 dollars
but I am trying to move out of my parents so my money is earmarked for that hopeful eventuality.
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.
according to the good doctor
That's cool! Are you happy about it? Did they tell you anything else about the brain mapping? Is it expensive? What exactly is involved? It sounds interesting.
Not all those who wander are lost... but I generally am.
but I am trying to move out of my parents so my money is earmarked for that hopeful eventuality.
I don't think psychiatrists do neuropsychological evaluations which are needed to dx nld. it seems best to get a neuropsych or a psych trained in neuropsych (sometimes those are neuropsychs?)
but yeah moving out is pretty important.
check the schools .
I started a new thread on free/cheap dx's in general autism today.
All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.
-HL Mencken
-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD
just read a reply on the thread I started about free/cheap dx's.
apparently a dx is free in North Carolina.
for ASD at least im assumin
All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.
-HL Mencken
-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD
according to the good doctor
That's cool! Are you happy about it? Did they tell you anything else about the brain mapping? Is it expensive? What exactly is involved? It sounds interesting.
this is the place:
well they put some gel on my head. a head covering and covered my head with electrodes. I had to close my eyes, look straight, and have my teeth not touch for 7 min.
Takes longer for some. ie younger kids, ADHD etc
lol costs $875 . per the price sheet if you pay for he Autism/Asperger's session upfront which includes 42 treatment sessions and the initial assessment it's $7645.
if you pay over 2 months it's 8065.
I spoke to the guy in charge of the program(Dr. David Velkoff). It was either 16 or 18 sessions initially he recommended.
You don't have to buy the package . you can get just the evaluation and I don't know if you can pay for sessions 1 by 1.
they also treat other things. check the webpage. ie depression, anxiety, add/adhd
there is a bunch of info on the webpage about the qeeg brainmap and everything else
I'm happy about it since it actually looks at what is happening instead of me evaluating myself on my own. They did give me the Gilliam Asperger's and Autism Disorder scale to fill out myself.
here's a link from another place the does this kind of stuff also in Orange Co; talks about this stuff as it relates to ASD patients: ... atment.htm
the drake institute: what is brain mapping;
just search for the drake institute on wrong planet. there are some posts. and search for related : qeeg, brain map etc
the stuff he went over in the report shows pictures of the head from up top
just like in the drake institute's link about brain mapping , same as those multicolored head pics
he wrote some things by some of the head pictures like attention, visual perception (nonverbal), emotional expression
think he wrote down something else important too but can't read it.
in another section next to a head picture which was different than the above head pics wrote down awareness of self
well it costs a lot. I don't like the idea of someone else paying for it and me owing them even though in reality it's free. my sister would probably pay for it and I haven't been getting along with her well. I don't want to feel obligated to be nicer to her. obviously not guaranteed to work. the director told me you should be very committed . I'm not very committed. also I don't view myself as that impaired aka a pretty mild aspie. not sure how harmful it's been to my career. I can be a pretty quiet guy so the people skills dept isn't up to snuff. some things aspie related are impediments: coordination, i do things slow.
short term memory, maybe sensory problems. i really want some kind of dx that relates to coordination, doing things slow and a short term memory. these things are probably more problematic than the sensory stuff. can always get a job not hugely fast paced.
All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.
-HL Mencken
-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD
Thanks for the information, vivinator. It's too bad it is just in California though (I'm on the East Coast). I've never even *been* to California. I might look to see if there is anything more local to me. I think the cost would be worth it, although I would have to save up for a while (for the evaluation- the treatment cost would be out of my league).
Not all those who wander are lost... but I generally am.
well it's available in more places than CA. I did a google search and found someone in nyc that does it.
a place in florida that does it:
a place in north jersey :
call them to see if they do brain mapping; neurofeedback is mentioned
a place in providence, ri: they do brain-mapping
international society for neurofeedback and research:
can do a zip code search for a neurofeedback practitioner:
a place that does brain-mapping 10 min from nyc in paramus, nj
brain-mapping in manhattan, nyc
the brain resource ctr:
neurofeedback in the chicago area plus the md suburbs of the dc area with two more locale's in the md suburbs of the dc area to come:
baltimore area:
austin, tx
autism svc provider search ... 141?page=8
neurofeedback on autism-help ... edback.htm
articles from
All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.
-HL Mencken
-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD
well besides my 4 person immediate family, my bro-in-law knows it, i bet my parents told some of my other relatives. perhaps one or two of my mom's friends. the only 4 friends I regularly keep in touch with. they r from college.
also google asperger's neurofeedback and your location
that's a good way to find providers
also the search links in the last post I provided
I'm not sure all the people that do this kind of stuff are reputable.
from the autism link i posted in the post b4
Criticisms and Recent Court Cases
In the United States, neurofeedback is being used as an addition to many psychotherapists practices as a boost to a sagging ‘talk-therapy’ practice. Since in most states there are no licensing requirements therapists who have little knowledge of physiology or computer technology can use the equipment with little oversight. The client can be hooked up and the computer program does the training with little effort on the therapist’s part. It adds a ‘high-tech’ affect to the session and makes the whole procedure seem more credible. In the Gravelle case in Huron, Ohio 11 adoptive children were given thousands of hours of neurofeedback training at a great cost to the county with seemingly little improvement in their conditions. The criticism is that neurotherapy was given to them for an array of different problems simply because the funds were so easily available
Some neurofeedback equipment companies make extraordinary claims based on the scientific appeal of electronics and the mysteries of the brain. For example, some brain training products are sold to consumers promising to raise IQ and self-esteem, or to enable zen meditative and deep hypnotic states. Furthermore, paranormal abilities such as remote viewing, past life regression, and other psychic phenomena are claimed by some marketers to commonly result from use of their neurofeedback machines or programs.
All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.
-HL Mencken
-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD
My daughter has an IEP and something they call "NLD," but I just figured it was a "we don't know what to call it, but she needs special attention." She is sociable and not an Aspie by anyone's standards. Now I want to look into it a little more.
As for stickie threads, I have no use for them at all.
If the topic of the thread is uninteresting to me, it's just annoying and in-the-way.
If it's a good topic, it gets up to five or more pages, which is intimidating.
Also, such a thread usually ends up being jumbled and/or spammy and useless.
I normally feel obligated to read every post before responding, and I wish everyone felt the same way. I don't like to read through the same comments over and over by people who haven't finished reading the thread.
I'm sorry, but this time I haven't read the whole thing. My computer died and my time here at WP is severely limited. But I will get to it asap.
I'm sorry you feel that way about stickies, Tahitiii. A sub-forum would have been my preference as well, but I didn't think that was likely to happen, and certainly not any time soon. This site doesn't have sub-forums for any other disorders similar to or related to AS, like HFA, ADHD, OCD, SAD, so there is no precedent- which means that arguing our case might prove to be difficult. Even if we could have convinced Alex to make an NLD sub-forum, it would probably be a somewhat time-consuming project that would be dependent on his schedule and priority in doing it. This NLD sticky is not only a quick way to create a small community for NLD here, but if we can demonstrate enough interest in NLD, maybe we can make a case for a sub-forum some time in the future.
Not all those who wander are lost... but I generally am.
I agree stickies can be a bit fiddly etc but I think this was a good idea. Many NLD people feel a bit confused when they come to an AS board because they feel a bit different as they dont have all the AS traits, or have enough for an AS diagnosis. Personally I kind of feel very "in between" the NT world and AS stuff. It is like living in a strange little sub-pocket of society.
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.
And another question about NLD. Does anyone feel that they are NLD ish because they are like a mix of AS and inattentive ADD? This is sort of how I am. I have AS traits but instead of hyperfocus I have poor focus, except on my daydreams, lol.
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.
Decoding (word-reading) I am somewhat okay with this; I have various problems with reading words but in other ways I am advanced - could have possiblw met criteria for dyslexia before I increased my word reading ability and then have been considered advance for saying words even if I don't know what they mean. I was considered exceptionally good at this after about age 8.
Rote memory (memory for facts) Used to have excellent rote memory, then when about age 16 this dramatically went down and my abstract reasoning ability increased exponentially, so now I don't know basic math facts and can't remember new things like new phone numbers or addresses (though I remember old addresses and phone numbers, though I sumtimes reverse numbers and letters).
Verbal reasoning Not sure exaclty what this refers too, but I have trouble with strings of verbal information, ESPECIALLY when spoken, but also when written.
Vocabulary I have a very extensive vocabulary, even though I misspell a lot, and may not always know the meaning but may infer from context.
General linguistic ability Am said to sound well learned, but if found caught randomly on my strolling through the woods and asked a question caught unawares, then would sound babbling, or silent, or mixutre of both. Not sure exactly what it refers to. verbal IQ? First time 120, second time 93, first time one standard deviation below visual/spatial, second time one standard deviation above performance. Overall by the descriptions of others during elementary school, there would be no doubt that verbal is a strength of mine. However as an older person with a consideration of all of my history from young child to adult, not just middle-elementary school years, this is more debatable.
Motor coordination This used to be a great weakness of mine, both fine motor (especially handwriting) and generally (walking, sports, etc.). However, in the last month or two, I have had much better coodination and physical stuff.
Social skills I do pretty well. I am quite gregarious, though I avoid social contact often due to sensory issues and my lack of recognizing faces and names, partially because of low vision and poor memory. But I have had close friends and a wider circle, during junior high and high school, and mostly when I don't have close friends it is beause I am concentrating on my studies, as I wish to get ahead, though I sitll make time for socializing at dinner and occasionally lunch.
Ability to understand nonverbal communication Pretty much on par with others when I am paying attention, but I miss a lot of cues because I can't stand looking at a face for more than a few seconds at a time, especially the eyes. So being able to understand, does me only some good, and even then I have to keep quiet a lot (such as if I get a dirty look in someone's eyes that I see out of the corner of their eyes).
Visual and spatial processing Highly confusing and overwhelming. I score low on tests of these.
Sense of direction Terrible. I get lose so easily, that I can only go to places that are directly on the bus route, without making turns and such, and even then going back to find a bus stop I have gotten lost. Need to be reminded what clockwise is when changing a lightbulb, as well as how to change a light bulb and which way a clock turns.
Mathematics (especially application of abstract concepts) Great wiht abstract concepts (sepcially number theory and matrix algebra) but terrible at basic arithmetic like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Executive functioning (attention, organization, planning, prioritizing) I can't plan a shower without it taking a long time with lots of detours.
Writing skills (especially organization of ideas) and reading comprehension I am told I can write well in fiction, though I am not so good at organizing it, and my reading coprehension is not so good and I need to re-read several times.
General characteristics of NLDers:
Verbal IQ is often much higher than Performance IQ One time (moste recently) yes, one time the opposite.
Reliance on verbal mediation (“talking oneself through a task”) Do this sometimes, but more instead of talking it's just random sounds.
Focus on details while missing the big picture Heh. Yeah.
Difficulty with sarcasm and a tendency towards literal thinking No difficulty with sarcasm whatever; I have used and understood it from a young age and used it as a sort of lifesaver.
Preference for routine and difficulty with novelty or change Oh yes.
May appear naïve and gullible Occassionally. Other times it is me who is helping another from their being gullible.
Very prone to anxiety and depression Somewhat, as I am in many stressful situations.
So maybe if not NLD (which I do believe is connected to AS/autism, but I don't think that this means that Aspergers should be separated out from autism; I mean AS is autistic spectrum and I think it's all just part of an interconnected web if you see what I mean), maybe a verbal AND nonverbal learning disorder. Or something.
There's not really one good name that I've found for my learning style apart from autism (which can encompass many learning styles, including those who are very good and very bad at math, and many other varieties of learning), so probably I'd have to find different labels and squash them together. I don't feel like I need a label, but since I have a neuropsych evaluation coming up, I just wanted to see if there was any other thing, or if they would just describe the pattern of strengths and weaknesses as per the IQ test and motor skills test? I had an IQ test and motor skills test from a neuropsychologist about six months ago in high school but the state doesn't think that's good enough and wants to do it over.
"There are things you need not know of, though you live and die in vain,
There are souls more sick of pleasure than you are sick of pain"
--G. K. Chesterton, The Aristocrat
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